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It wasn't over. It was far from it too.

I got this idea the moment we heard the sirens. They were loud, and close.

They were in our sights not long after we noticed the noises.

They were driving up the road and slowing. We both continued walking at the side of the road trying to look as convincing as possible that we were minding our own business, care free of the world.

They parked right next to us, forcing us to stop to not seem disrespectful.

"You kids live around here?" One asked through the window.

We hesitated for a bit then Jake spoke up.

"Uh kinda. Why? Is everything alright?" He looked around as if caring. I expected he was just making sure they were talking about the same incident we were involved in before spilling.

"Oh yeah there's been a problem back near Mrs. Dean's property." He began, pointing with his thumb over his shoulder to where we had just came.

Jake continued further questioning, "oh really? What kind of problem? Is it bad or..?"

"Well uh yeah." The cop was hesitant at explaining due to the fact we're just kids but he went on anyways. "A possible murder case."

Murder? That word hasn't even crossed my mind when the whole thing happened. My goal wasn't to hurt anyone, it was just to save us. I suddenly freaked out.

"Oh well uh I'm so sorry. We had no idea." I had no control over what I was saying and frankly, I didn't know where I was getting these words from. "That's pretty close to hear I'm guessing. Is there anyone you think could have done it?" I didn't know why I was lying at all.

I tried sounding as innocent and concerned as possible.

"Well there is one runaway still out there. There were three but they were taken in already. There's no one else on the recent wanted list but I mean, anyone can be a criminal. We don't know. We've already looked at the body but we can't identify him at all. We were just kinda trolling around, asking nearby people for some info. Were gonna turn back soon and see how our crews doing with fingerprints and see if they match up to the last runaway. We're gonna need your fingerprints just in case. Sorry but it's not personal." He suggested.

"Golly, we're awfully sorry, sir but we're good, we really outta get..." I tried getting out of it but it was a cop, there's no saying no.

"No you have to, kid. Better safe than sorry."

I sighed loudly as he pulled out what I was guessing to be a simple finger printing kit. Just ink and special paper.

After rolling our fingers in the ink and onto the paper, the cop finally said, "You kids outta get inside, we wouldn't want anyone else getting hurt." He gestured to something behind us.

We hadn't noticed it before but we were on the side of the road in front of a house. I didn't know who's it was but I nodded anyways.

The officer looked at us for another moment then rolled up his window and drove off.

What did I do? Why didn't I just say the person they thought was the "victim" was actually Jay and that I had only killed him out of self defense?

We can get away with killing a murderer right? It's self defense right?

Just then, I'd realized that Jay was never wearing his orange suit from prison. He'd gotten different clothes before hand.

That's one piece of evidence we won't have supporting us.

Now we don't have the two biggest pieces of obvious evidence that we actually need. The fact that they can't even see his face through his wounds and he's not in his prison attire.

Jake was glaring at me with a hard look that clearly was despising my word choice toward the police but yet it was obvious, he was just as scared as me.

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