
59 33 14

His shrill screams from behind echoed in my head.

I'd gotten him into all of this, he's done nothing but help and comfort me.

What am I doing? I asked myself pitifully.

I stopped so abruptly, I almost flipped forward, skidding on my heels.

Looking down at the dead grass, I perceived a dark brown, decent sized stick, easily seen comparing itself to the whitish weeds.

Grabbing it, I turned around and did nothing but run, not even think.

Just ran.

Before even reaching them, I saw Jay was trying to yank Jake away from the fence and into his possession.

Soon, reaching the fence and without a single pause, I jumped and clung to Jay's shirt.

I closed my eyes, fully aware of what was going to happen next.

My mind was racing, maybe even as fast as my heart.

It was like a dream.

My body went numb but I was fully aware of what it was doing.

My arm which clutched the stick, raised over his face and jammed down.

Up, down, up, down, up, down. As fast as it would go, my arm jammed the stick into his head.

Soon, after a series of loud screams that seems to ripped my eardrums apart, I felt myself tipping. My eyes were still shut, even tighter than before when I felt the splatters on my face.

Jake was quiet now.

Opening my eyes, I saw Jay lying there. I was on my back now, sprawled out next to the enemy.

Startled by the sight of what I'd done, I shot to my feet.

Jay's face wasn't splattered, it was caked with blood.

So thickly layered with the red liquid that it looked a dark black color and was covering the identity of his face entirely.

I turned to face Jake.

He was no longer caught up in the wire. Jay must have pulled him loose.

He looked me dead in the eyes then bent over and threw up.

My guess, it was a result of fear and the sight of so much blood.

He slowly looked up at me, wiping his mouth on his arm.

He just stares at me for awhile, locking eye contact.

I hated when people did that to me. I never wanted to look anyone in the eyes no matter who or why.

"You were gonna leave me." He said quietly.

I looked down. "Yeah." I looked at him, trying to read what he was thinking. "But I didn't." I knew it was a crappy excuse but it was the truth.

"You were gonna." He pointed out, straightening his back and narrowing his eyes.

I sighed. "Yeah. Yeah , I know."

I was starring at the ground, too disappointed and in such a huge loss of man-hood to look up. What I did or even debated on doing was even more than just not decent, it was just being plain selfish and a coward.

I forced myself to look up at him. I rubbed my neck, trying to do something with my hands to get rid of my unsteady feeling.

"I'm sorry." I knew it wouldn't mean much but I did mean it.

He sighed very deeply not wanting to look at me now.

He glared off to where we were supposed to be headed.

"C'mon." He said. "We still gotta go to the police. But this..." He slightly gestured towards Jay's motionless body, "this is over."

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