Chapter 7 - Are we dating?

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Hey guys this is kind of a short chapter just like the last one, I intend to make the next one well..... At least more than 500 words. I'm also trying to give u quicker updates, after all school just started. And I am so happy!!!!! That we've finally reached 10.7 thousand reads, I just only posted this book a year ago during summer break. Thank you for supporting me, and remember without bbrae none of this would be possible and I hope you enjoy the chapter.

3rd person POV

The Teen Titans arrived home with another victory. Even though kitten wasn't much of a challenge they were very tired. All the they cared about now was getting back to sleep.

Robin and Starfire found themselves in their beds within seconds.

"Well I'm heading to bed, you guys should too." Cyborg said while letting out a yawn. Beast Boy begins to pout, catching Cyborgs attention.

"My eye, she ruined my gorgeous face, how can I go on with this?!"

"Relax dude. Black eyes usually heal within a couple days."

"how long is a couple days?"

"I'm not sure, but if you are really depressed about it, why don't you ask Raven- to help you out? I'm sure she has some sort of healing spell."

"Maybe, goodnight bro."

"G'night Beasty."


Raven was reading a book. She just couldn't seem to fall asleep. Then she heard a knock coming from her door and could sense that it was Beast Boy.

She used her magic to unlock the door.
"Come in"
she lightly exclaimed.

"Raven! Oh thank god your still awake, can you help me?"

" You want me to heal your black eye?"

" yes please."


She continued to read her book for a good 22 seconds.

" Well?"


" Aren't you going to heal me?"

" look in the mirror."

Beast boy obeyed, and was wowed by how quick the black eye healed.

"When did you...?"

" I casted it on you when you walked into the room."

Beast Boys face was filled with happiness.

" Thanks mama!" Beast Boy thanked, kissing her on the cheek.

Raven faintly touched her cheek which BB had just kissed, giving him a surprised look. Beast boys face once filled with nothing but joy, grew a worried expression to what he had just done.

" uh, sorry. Too fast?"

Raven avoided his face staring at the floor.

"No. Not at all"

"Oh. Good."

Again the room filled with silence and Beast Boy had to break it.

"So..... Rae?"

Raven looked at him.

" we're like- dating right?"

"Yeah..." she replied, with a smile.

He returned a smile. "Awesome. One last Question?"


" How are we going to tell the team?"

"I don't know. I guess we wait a while."

"Aren't we breaking one of the rules?"

" Yeah I guess. If you don't want to do thi-"

Beast grabbed her hands, and held them tightly.

" No. I want this. I want this to be real."

"  Don't think the rule will last for long. You know how he is Around Starfire."

"Oh trust me. We all know that he likes Starfire. I mean, It is very obvious."

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