Chapter 2 - She loves who.....!

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"Now stop being a baby and follow me." she said

I followed Love as she lead me to her house. Pink everywhere! I'm surprised Love is even a part of Raven's emotions. I mean I know Raven has a heart and all, But PINK? Love opened the door and I followed her inside. I look around the walls to see pictures of me all over the walls.

"Again with the pictures! Will Someone tell me why there are pictures of me everywhere?" I asked confused.

"Beast Boy shush! You do realize we can wake Raven up from inside her mind, Right?"

"Sorry.....but... I just can't take it anymore. You said I could help her. How am I supposed to do that?"

" Do you really want to help Raven?"

"Yes, I do."

"Then follow me." she said.

"You just said that-"

Just then love opened the door to her backyard.

"Wow," I said.

A backyard with a pond and a bench in black and white so amazing!" I said sarcastically.

Love raised an eyebrow at me then walked to the pond.
"come here."
Of course I obeyed her.

"Now look into the pond."


How is staring into a pond going to help me help Raven."

"It will help you understand her."

'Ridiculous.' I thought

But as soon as I looked into the pond I started to see something.


Raven was sitting on her bed holding a picture. A picture of us, the same photo she had in her hands from earlier. And again she was crying.

"Why do I always freak out? Why do I always come off as cruel?"
She asked herself as more tears started to fall from her violet-blue eyes.
"Why do I always get nervous and hurt you? Who'd love someone like that? Who'd love a demon?"
She layed down on her side as she cried harder.


Before I knew it I was back in Love's Backyard, and my eyes were full of shock.

"I don't understand...."

" Ugh oh my god, Boys are so dumb!"

"Hey! In my Defense you girls are super confusing. One minute you want this and then the next you want the complete opposite. Like take mercy on my brain please!"

" Beast boy! This isn't rocket science! When was the last time Raven was cooped up in her room, kept her distant from everyone?"

" You mean more then usual?"

"Are you serious." Love was starting to lose her patience.

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