Chapter 4-Emerald Eyes

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Chapter 4

He Knows. That single statement, that single fact, could make me weak and timid just by hearing it. I feel as if I could never face him ever again. I tried to stand and I could barely stand on my feet. Everything will change, Everything would change if he knew that I knew that he knew how I felt. I can't do anything about his knowledge now. I just can't believe, that he knows that I like Him.

                                                                     Next Evening

    I woke up and the first thing I saw was my mirror, the mirror that got me in this mess. I got dressed and headed out the door. I walked in the living room to see, Cyborg and Beast Boy already playing video games. As I sat down I noticed Beast Boy looking at me in the corner of his eyes.
I then had the nerve to say "What?" in my usual monotone voice.

"Ah, um nothing." His cheeks started to redden, and because he was paying more attention to me it cost him the game.

"Booyah, In ya face Beasty!" Cyborg yelled in victory.

"what!! not again! this is the third time in a row!"

"Oh did my victory suprise you?" laughed Cyborg.

I ignored them heading into the kitchen, and as soon as Starfire saw me her eyes started to sparkle.


"oh boy."

"You have decided to join us for Lunch, yes?"

"Uhm yes?" I said which sounded more like a question.

Then Starfire started to pester me with questions out of worry, as I walked to the kettle I sat down at the table, drinking my tea and reading my favorite book. Everything was going okay. I didn't say anything unnecessary nor blow anything up. Then the crime alert had gone off, and it turns out that someone had stolen the crystal of light, a gem that was discovered just 2 months ago. And as usual it's always Robins cue to yell "titans go!"

  15 Minutes later at the museum

We had reached the museum, and had already discussed with the police. Someone had broke in with some gas as bright as the sun, and stole the the crystal of light. As superheroes we would be taking care of the situation as usual. We had to investigate, and Robin was bound to put us in groups.

"Ok, we'll be splitting into groups." Said Robin.

Told you.

"We'll get stuff done faster that way. So, Star and Cyborg will be with me, and that leaves Beast boy and Raven together. Now lets go!"

And with that I was paired up with Beast Boy. Just my luck.

"Let's...........go" I said a bit slower then usual.

"go where?" He asked me.

"The police officer said something about light coming from the basement, but they couldn't get any footage, because the camera broke. So we should probably check there."

He just nodded at me. I then awkwardly lead the way.

30 minutes have passed and we haven't found anything but a tunnel and some multicolored crystals, that must have been built with a huge drill.

"Raven is it okay if I ask you a question?" he asked me.

"Is it a stupid question?"

" Um Maybe anyway , Are you okay, is something wrong."

"What do you mean?" I acted as if I didn't understand what he meant.

"Well I know we're not the best of friends, but I feel like you're avoiding me. Usually you'd at least give me eye contact-"

"What, I always give you eye contact. I do that to everyone." I interrupted.

"Raven, you're not even giving me eye contact now."

I felt a little chill up my spine.

"If your mad at me I'm sorry for whatever I've done. But I have a feeling that's not it, I feel like its something else. Your walking weird, talking slower than usual, and you're not even looking at me. If you were mad at me you'd still give me eye contact."

I looked at him, and realized he was right. I'm acting weird and if I don't pull it together, he'll notice something. I need a distraction.

"I'm not mad at you."
I looked him straight in The eye.
"I'm just having an off day."

He looked at me with eye of disbelief.

"We should get back to the detective work, I want to get this over with." I said trying to avoid the conversation.

"Yeah however my detective case is to find out why you're acting so weird."

He's pretty good at this. Acting like he doesn't know.

"Beast boy!" I exclaimed "You're not being funny." slightly shaking my head.

"I'm not trying to be funny, for the first time I'm not trying to be funny." The tone in his voice changed "Rae, if there's something bothering you, you can tell me. Or anyone else on the team?"

I turned my face, making sure to not make eye contact. "Ra-ven! and there's Nothing wrong with me." My voice became lower

"Yes there is, I can tell." His voice was calm. The complete opposite of mine.

"Nothing!" I seemed to raise my voice a bit louder.

"If it's nothing, then why are you so angry?"

"It's none of your business." I knew I was probably going to regret it but I did it anyway. I turned around, and did exactly what he wanted. I looked into his eyes. They looked so intriguing making me want to tell him everything. Everything he wanted to know, but we just stood there silently, exchanging deep eye contact.

He then took a step closer and closer. He was right there. My eyes were all on him. I tried to get out of the situation.

" We need to find-"

His hands moved closer to mine. My heart started to beat faster.


His hands found themselves on my upper arms and then it stopped. It broke. He looked away from me and turned around.


And with that my titans communicator went off, and Robins voice was heard.

"We got Dr.Light."

BBRae - MY love RaeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang