Chapter 12- Rule Breaker(s)

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                            3rd POV

Beast Boy and Raven stood there in shock as they watched Starfire and Robin on their so called date.

"Oh my god." Said Raven and Beast Boy.

"Right?" Cyborg started,"that's exactly what I said."

"What are they doing out here!?" Beast Boy asked still confused.

"It's pretty obvious Beastie. Its-a-date." Cyborg sounded it out for him.

"Well, even if that is true, I don't see what the big issue is?" Said Raven.

"..Isn't dating a fellow team mate a violation of the rules?" Asked Cyborg.

"I don't know, I guess." Raven tried to act clueless about the topic.

'It's a stupid rule.' Beast Boy murmured.

"Anyway, we still don't know if this is a date. Maybe they were on a walk and bumped into each other?" Raven suggested.

"Nope, I've been following them ever since they left the building. They're celebrating their-"

"Their one month anniversary." Bb finished Cyborg's sentence.

"How'd you know?"


"You said you didn't have any luck on the stake-out?"

"Well yeah I didn't."

"But you knew he was celebrating their one month anniversary."

"I thought that maybe it was someone outside of the team. We were saying this morning that Starfire definitely didn't have feelings for Robin. Well at least not anymore. So I don't see why you would think that I knew about them?" Bb defended himself.

"You do have a point. Robin and Starfire  agreed to remain friends after that kiss in Tokyo. He didn't want to dishonor the code." Said Cy.

"But he has the authority to remove it. So why doesn't he-" Bb

"It wouldn't be right if he made a rule for all of us to follow, and then when he doesn't want to follow the rule anymore he takes it away. I guess he didnt want to tarnish his leader image." Raven suggested.

"Well," Cyborg started." Wouldn't  sneaking around for a month with a teammate tarnish it?"

"But then again, hasn't he been trying to get her attention for the past couple of weeks? If he knows they can't date then why would he try and convince her otherwise?" Said Beast Boy.

They both looked at him.

"The boy is so confusing. He doesn't want to ruin his image so he friend zones Starfire but then he decides that he likes her too much so they start sneaking around behind our backs!?"-Cy.

"That's robin for you. He wants to make things easy but he makes them 10 times harder." -Bb.

"You guys," started Raven.

Cyborg and Beast boy looked at her.
"What?" They both asked.

"They see us."

They both turned around to see flustered Robin and Starfire looking at them.

"So much for being undercover."
Said Beast Boy.

"Hey guys." Cyborg waved at them.

"We can uh- we can explain this." Robin tried to defend themselves. 

"You don't have to," Cyborg started walking towards them. "You two have been sneaking around for the past month. Violating one of our precious rules!"

"...uh Yeah. pretty much." Robin admitted.

"And-! Oh he admitted it. Well what do you two have to say for yourselves!?"

"Nothing really." Said Robin with an attitude.(jokingly)

"I am sorry if I have upset you for violating the rules." Starfire apologized.

"Oh it's okay Starfire, nobody can stay mad at you." Said Cyborg.
"But Robin on the other hand."

"What!?" Robin yelled.

"I am very disappointed in you."

"Why am I the only one getting scolded? 
What about those two!?" Robin yelled pointing at Beast Boy and Raven.

Cyborg and Starfire looked at them.

"What about them?" Asked Cyborg.

"After I bought flowers, for my beautiful alien girlfriend, I saw these two holding hands beside the building."

"What!?" Yelled Cyborg.

"No we weren't, we were spying on You! I was on a stake-out!" Beast Boy defended themselves.

"Hah! So you were cheating! You brought Raven with You!" -Cy.

"I did not cheat, I just didn't know where Annabelle's was." -Bb.

"I'm pretty sure you don't need to hold hands to go on a stake-out."- Robin.

"Is this true?" Cyborg looked to them for an answer.
Beast boy and Raven both looked in opposite directions remaining silent.

"Are you serious! What am I the dad right now!? I feel like a parent who just caught their children doing drugs." Cyborg started to complain.

"Aww, Beast boy and Raven have started the dating?" Starfire asked holding Ravens arms.


"Robin why don't you just remove the rule? More than half the team has violated it anyway." Cyborg suggested.

"Well I guess I can now." Robin started to smile. "Now that Raven and Beast boy are dating, I won't appear as a bad leader for violating the rules." Robin tried to whisper to himself.

"We can hear you." The rest of the team said.

Cyborg looked to Beast boy and Raven.
"But I can't believe, you two?! When did this happen."

"Yeah, we're not going into the details." Beast boy stopped Cyborg from prying.

"Okay, Titans," Robin said trying to get their attention. "All in favor of demolishing the rule." Robin and the rest of the team raised their hand.

"Okay, Problem solved." Said Robin.

"Yay!" Starfire squealed in excitement.

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