Chapter 1~The Digivice

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Monday morning finally came as the sun came up the birds were chirping happily in the summer sun opening my eyes slowly then sitting up with a yawn and stretching my arms there was a knock on the door as the door opened up my mother entered she had long black hair and beautiful green eyes also she was wearing a should strap dress which went to her knees she smiled at me.

Anna : "Ah your finally awake sweetie i thought you would have slept in"

Skye : "i would have liked to sleep in longer and who's idea was to make the birds chirp every morning?"

Anna : "that would be the bird keeper"

Skye : "oh yeah Mr Richardson hehehehe i totally forgot about"

After we exchanged our words and when finally alone in my room,getting out of bed then doing my usual thing in the morning having a morning shower then getting dressed into my school uniform and finally placing a butterfly hair clip into my hair then making my way downstairs greeted by the maids and the butlers then headed towards the kitchen.

Lucas : "ah i see your finally awake little sis"

Skye : "of course i am and what about you lucas are you going to be late"

Lucas : "uh what time is it?"

Skye : "7:45 am you should know by now"

Lucas : "Damn! i am so going to be late see you later little sis"

The boy who had blue hair and green eyes but was wearing a different uniform to me was my step brother lucas he was so funny but also he was kind and caring not only to me but the others,finally entering the kitchen noticing my father sitting at the table reading the daily newspaper and sipping his fresh ground coffee also wearing his best grey suit with a white shirt and a red tie.

Steven : "Morning sweetheart did you sleep well?"

Skye : "yes father i did but i had this strange dream though?"

Anna : "really sweety what was it about?"

Skye : "well it was like i was in this strange world and these three monsters were beside me"

Steven : "hahahaha that must have been one strange dream i think your spending to much time with lucas"

Skye : hehehehe maybe i am"

My father got up then grabbing his briefcase he walked over and kissed my mother she kissed him back he then approached me and kissed my forehead,once saying bye then leaving the kitchen then the house approaching the table then sitting down my mother walked over to me then placed down the plate of scrambled eggs infront of me with fresh made orange juice in a glass cup and two pieces of toast.

Anna : "Honey i got to go now okay me and your father will be late home so order a pizza okay"

Skye : "okay mother have a nice day at work"

Anna : "you have a nice day at school today"

Skye : "i will mother"

As my father did my mother kissed my forehead aswell then picked up her bag then left the kitchen and finally out of the mansion,my mother worked as a model who always done fashion shows as for my father he was a multi millionaire and owned many companies. Finally finishing my breakfast and grabbing my school bag which was on the coat hanger and placing it onto my shoulder leaving the mansion after saying goodbye i made my way down the drive then finally out of the gates,heading to school.

Lilly : "Skye!!!!"

Skye : "about time you caught up lilly hehehehe"

Lilly : "hey! it isn't my fault it was my little brother's fault"

Skye : "what did he do this time?"

Lilly : "he sneaked into my room and messed up my alarm clock"

Skye : "hahahaha!!! that is so funny"

Lilly : "Skye is not funny!"

Lilly was my best friend since kindergarten and we grew up with each other but she had light pink hair in two ponytails and she had very pink eyes she was also wearing the same uniform as me and she was in the same class as me,plus she lived with her mother only and her younger brother her mother split from her drunk husband, we had another friend called luke but he was in Australia visiting his grandparents with his parents as they were ill,

Skye : "finally we are here"

Lilly : "yeah finally and let the boring classes begin"

Skye : "hehehehe yes i can agree"

Lilly : "too right hahahaha!"

As we entered through the school gates we headed straight inside then made our way into the home room which was a big room and the chairs also the table were in rows walking to my seat which was beside the window then placed my bag down on it. Short while the other students began to enter then our teacher came in Mr Philips was our home room teacher he signalled everybody to take their seats and they did as the whole room went quiet and the lesson began which was based on history and other things until hours later went by finally in the late afternoon me and lilly were making our way back home.

Skye : "what a long day that was"

Lilly : "yeah it was and that last class was boring"

Skye : "anyways do you want to come over and hang out"

Lilly : "sorry skye i wish i could but i got to help mother"

Skye : "no it is fine i understand i will see you tomorrow"

Lilly : "see you tomorrow aswell skye"

Once me and lilly went our different ways along the way thinking to myself about the dream that i had about these monsters also this world all of a sudden a voice came out of thin air it sounded like by it's voice it was sad or in danger but i couldn't really tell. Finally reaching home once the voice was gone noticing the mansion was empty as the maids and butlers went home to their families or were living alone,finding a note from lucas which said that he was going to be late home because he is stopping around his friends house,a small sigh escaped my lips then heading upstairs into my room then throwing my bag onto the bed and beginning to change into my white blouse,black leggings,white socks with red and white trainers. It then happened while sitting at my desk doing my homework all of a sudden my whole room lit up then a pillar of light dropped down and it vanished there laying in the middle of the floor was a weird looking crystal shaped some sort of machine,but the one thing i didn't know that this thing will take me to the world that i was once dreamt off will become my reality.

To be continued.

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