Chapter 16~A Royal Knight

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Skye : "Are you guys ready to show these digimon what for"

Guilmon : "I am ready!"

Chikaimon : "Same here"

Dorumon : "bring em on!"

Piedmon, Metal Seadramon and Daemon just laughed and began to attack but the light from my digivice came out and surrounded my partners the three then digivolved to their mega levels and blocked the attack with ease. Piedmon was surprised but remained calm as he unleashed another attack but Alphamon dodged the attack,he countered with a powerful attack that piedmon couldn't dodge or block in the end he was defeated. 

Metal Seadramon : "What!? impossible! how could one attack defeat piedmon"

Daemon : "Because of the human girl she is the reason why they are strong"

Metal Seadramon : "I see well then let me take care of her!"

Daemon : "Very well"

Gallantmon : "Taiyoudramon protect skye while i'll deal with Metal Seadramon" 

Taiyoudramon : "You got it"

Gallantmon nodded then proceeded to take on Metal Seadramon who was strong with his powerful attack river of power but easily Gallantmon dodged and used his powerful attack which hit Metal Seadramon sending him into the ground with great force. While taiyoudramon protected me for a time being until Metal Seadramon was defeated he then joined Gallantmon and Alphamon to fight Daemon,who was not pleased what he saw then unleashed a powerful attack towards the three of them but my partners blocked the attack which made it look like nothing the three of them attacked together as their attacks combined as it did,Daemon was hit and easily defeated.

Daemon : "You managed to defeat me but when you face Galacticmon you won't win so easily"

Gallantmon : "We shall see about that!"

Daemon : *Laughs* "Your welcome to try but in the end you will be defeated and once the human girl is in his possession this world and the human world will be no more!"

Alphamon : "We won't let that happen!"

Daemon : "we will see"

With that said Daemon turned into data pieces and floated into the sky until it was out of sight feeling weak suddenly collapsing onto the ground exhausted zoey and mark ran over to me then helped me up as they supported me,Gallantmon and Taiyoudramon reverted back to their rookie levels but Alphamon did not. The three of them approached me,looking up at Alphamon wondering why he didn't go back to his rookie level, Magnamon began to explain that he woken as the last royal knight digimon and needs to be with them,shocked and surprised but lucy and the others knew this left me with sadness and tears began to fall. 

Alphamon : "Don't cry skye we will always be partners inside our hearts"

Skye : "Yeah..but..Alphamon.."

Alphamon : *Hugs her* "It will be alright Skye the other royal knights will be with me"

Skye : *hugs back* "promise me you won't push yourself to hard"

Alphamon : "I promise"

Skye : "Gallantmon and everyone watch over him okay"

Gallantmon : "We will you have our word"

Skye : "Thank you.."

With a thank you from me my eyes slowly closed then fainting guilmon and chikaimon caught me then smiled with that done shadow carried me back to hannah's residence once leaving the crimson land the ancient digimons went to sleep then the royal knights returned to their place. Finally back to hannah's residence shadow slowly laid me down on the bed in mine and zoey's room and removed my shoes he then covered me up as guilmon and chikaimon laid down next to me then fell asleep,with a smile he kissed my forehead and walked out closing the door and heading to the main room. Calem looked up at shadow smiling softly then asked how was i doing he told him that i was sleeping peacefully with my partners,biyomon and patamon were relaxing with the other digimon of lucy's,calem's and shadow's everything was peaceful but something else was weighing on lucy's mind. 

Hannah : "Lucy what's wrong you seem alot quiet then usual"

Lucy : "What if there are more digimon out there like Daemon"

Calem : "I see your point and we know Galacticmon's true goal now"

Shadow : "Yeah having skye in his possession will mean end of this world and her world"

Zoey : "What can we do?"

Mark : "What if we defeated the other digimon like Daemon"

Adam : "That would be impossible idiot can't you see how much strain it puts on her and her digivice"

A voice spoked out looking towards the door there was adam with his partners zoey and mark were not happy to see him neither was the others but except shadow who remained calm but on guard,adam entered the room and then leaned on a wall with his arms crossed. Adam then began to explain that while he was under Galacticmon's order he heard of the cores spread across the digital world in the towers that can stop him if it was destroyed,Calem began to ask adam why was he helping them by telling this he replied saying that if it wasn't for me then he would still be under Galacticmon's order,with this information they began to come up with a plan. Hours went by slowly waking up then looking around and sitting up slowly looking beside me was guilmon and chikaimon eating then turning my attention to the corner of the room was no other then adam which made me cringe inside not wanting to see him at all,he then approached me and sat on the end of my bed then looked at me but not wanting to see his face i turned my head away from him.

Adam : "Look skye i am sorry for what i have done"

Skye : "Your sorry! you kidnapped me and held me prisoner!"

Adam : "and i know skye your mad at me but i was under Galacticmon's order"

Skye : "And you expect me to feel sorry for you because of that"

Adam : "I guess not..but i am sorry"

Not answering back he stood up then walked to the door as he was going to reach for the handle the door opened zoey entered as adam left she closed the door behind her and approached me with a smile she then sat down on my bed and hugged me tightly. Blinking then asking her what was wrong she looked at me then cuddled into me also clinging asking her what was wrong she told me that she was so scared that i wouldn't wake up and i would have been asleep forever,stroking her hair also comforting her telling her that i will be alright there was nothing to worry about she looked up at me then wiped her tears but continued to cuddle into me. With a smile then stroking her hair softly guilmon and chikaimon finished eating and came over stroking them aswell both of them wagged their tail happily making me giggle softly then looking back at zoey knowing that once i have saved this world and mine i would have to return back home.

To be continued.


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