Chapter 12~Reaching the Ultimate part 3

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Finally we were in mirage tower but not knowing where to begin our search for the city leader until a digimon called Maildramon approached us then asked us what business did we have being here looked like to us he was one of the guard or protector of mirage tower. Stating our business by telling him we are looking for the city leader he looked at us not believing us but in the end he did and led us through the tower as we went deeper until we reached a small looking town. 

Jesmon : "So this is where the other digimon have fled to"

Maildramon : "Indeed ever those digimons taken over the city we have been living here"

Chikaimon : "Why what has exactly happened?"

Maildramon : "We don't know we were living in peace but then a group of dark digimon appeared along with it's leader Devimon and took over the city"

Mark : "Surely devimon couldn't take over the city by himself"

Skye : "Unless he had help.."

Zoey : "I have a bad feeling it could be him"

Nodding to zoey's response knowing he could be him noticing our partners looked tired due to the heat maildramon led us to a inn which was ran by cat looking digimon called Gatomon all of them were champions but not only them but there were different kind of digimon stopping at the inn. Once paying for our rooms me and zoey headed to ours while the boys headed to their room,entering mine and zoey's room we sat down on the bed while our partners laid on the end of our beds quickly falling asleep. 

A sigh escaped from my lips as i looked out of the inn window,zoey looked at me and asked me if everything was okay not looking at her as i nodded simply as a yes but she wasn't convinced at all then placed a hand on my shoulder,turning around looking at her in her eyes she had a worried look. Reassuring her that everything was fine with a small soft smile on my lips she sighed and then stood up and walked to the door and opened it up then walked out closing it behind her,tears fell instantly down my cheeks and looked at guilmon,dorumon,chikaimon also biyomon thinking,as there was a knock on the door.

Skye : "Who is it?"

Gankoomon : "Milady is me Gankoomon"

Skye : "Is something the matter?"

Gankoomon : "Well i saw zoey leave the room and she looked a little sad did something happen"

Skye : "........."

Gankoomon : "Milady?"

Skye : "Please leave me alone.."

Gankoomon : "Of course milady if you need me don't be afraid to call for me"

Skye : "okay..."

Not really sure want to do but tears continued to flow down my cheek no matter how hard i try to wipe them away they kept coming down as frustration and anger were piling up why did they kept piling and finally we were making progress. Later that evening once we ate and headed bed,not able to sleep at all but questions kept popping up in my mind with a sigh then getting out of my bed and placing my shoes on noticing chikaimon has woken up he looked at me with sadness also wanted to know where i was planning to go.

Chikaimon : "Skye where are you going?"

Skye : "For a walk..i can't sleep and need fresh air"

Chikaimon : "I will come with you okay."

Skye : "Okay..and thanks.."

Me and Chikaimon left our room then the inn as we wondered onto the streets in this small town in the mirage tower in silence we noticed a couple of digimon called Dolphmon a aquatic digimon that lived in the ocean also in some sea beds, we continued our walk until we reached a small lake area then sitting down chikaimon laid down next to me. Stroking his head he purred then giggled happily it did made me feel a bit better but not completely,as i looked into the water looking at my reflection until a voice spoke up behind us.

Calem : "Are you okay miss?"

Skye : "Y..yes i am fine just thinking?"

Calem : "Thinking about what?"

Skye : "About if i am up to the task of saving this world and mine.."

Calem : "Don't worry you can succeed with our help"

A figure named calem sat down next to me he looked a bit older his hair was tied back which was pure blue and he had emerald green eyes plus he was wearing a fancy looking suit which was odd but i didn't complain neither did he. Introducing myself and chikaimon to him he introduced himself back and revealing that he was the leader of the city called Kisu City,surprised to see him he then began to tell me that my partners can digivolve to their mega levels if the four of the leaders come together then receive a rainbow crystal from there which let my partners digivolve to their mega levels. 

Skye : "Where can i find the last leader?"

Calem : "She is located in Metal city"

Skye : "Metal City?"

Calem : "Yes but first you must get a key from a digimon called Andromon that is located in a factory"

Skye : "Okay thank you"

With that we stood up and headed back me and chikaimon headed back to the inn the next morning approached and using maildramon who could fly through the desert storm we eventually reached a run down looking factory as he landed infront of the factory's entrance. As we dismounted we entered the factory and began our search for this ultimate digimon called andromon who was somewhere in this place but searching was not going to be easy though,as our search continued we reached the main control room there stood a digimon made of metal he turned around to look at us.

Andromon : "I see your here for the key for Metal City"

Mark : "yes we are now hand over the key"

Andromon : "If you can beat me in a battle that i will hand it over but one on one"

Skye : "Me and Chikaimon will battle you"

Andromon : "Very well show me what power you have"

Doing so chikaimon digivolved to his champion level and launched a powerful attack but easily andromon blocked it with a attack called lightning blade, then fired another attack that looked like missiles, calling out to chikaramon he dodged it quickly as the missiles nearly hit him. The battle continued on with neither of them backing down as both launched their attacks it collided creating a explosion. Chikaramon attacked and did little damage to andromon but he counter attacked with a lightning blade attack causing great damage to chikaramon as he fell to the ground, gripping my digivice tightly i knew by the next attack it will finish of chikaramon for good that is what i feared,calling out to him my digivice glowed much brighter as usual which surrounded chikaramon making him digivolve to his ultimate level Zujoudramon now in his ultimate level we can win this fight.

To be continued. 


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