Chapter 6~Finding Patamon

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Few weeks went by ever since coming to the digital world zoey received word that with adam no longer a threat in asuka city we headed back once we waved farewell to the rest of the digimon also the royal knights and along the way we battled each digimon that we encountered dorumon also chikaimon learned new moves and guilmon eventually caught up with a new move in his next digivolution form which was dragon slash. 

Skye : "hey zoey should we take a break since the digimon are tired and are hungry"

Zoey : "yes i agree alright guys we are going to take a break"

Biyomon : "yay!"

All three : "yay!

With a small giggle he placed our bags down onto the ground as me and zoey sat down on a large tree branch which fallen out of the tree,opening up our backpacks we took out our food also our partners,we sat in silence but happiness but then dorumon growled near the bush as it was shaking we got ready incase a digimon launched a surprise attack but instead a tamer with short blue hair but some on the back went to his neck and he had emerald green eyes plus wearing the uniform.

Mark : "hey there um sorry for disturbing you but have you seen my partner his name is patamon"

Skye : "no sorry we haven't"

Zoey : "when did you last see him?"

Mark : "few minutes ago when we were trying but then a cloud of smoke appeared around us and once it was gone my patamon was gone"

Zoey : "hmm maybe it is the sound of digimon hunters"

Mark : "i hope not and my name is Mark Stone"

Skye : "pleasure to meet you Mark and what are digimon hunters?"

Zoey : "Digimon hunters are a group of hunters who steal other digimon from tamers and sell them to the black market"

Skye : "thats horrible"

Learning about the digimon hunters i offered my help to mark to look for his patamon so did zoey 30 minutes we were heading deeper and deeper into the woods looking for patamon along with mark,dorumon and the others were helping out with the search aswell,it was then i noticed a run down shack slowly approaching the window and peeking in was other digimon and also patamon in locked cages. Knowing where they were now slowly leaving the run down shack but all of a sudden there was this sharp blow to my neck and everything around me went dark,hearing voices my eyes slowly began to open as my vision became clear then these hunters looked at me with a smirk then noticing that i was shackled to the wall.

Hunter 1 : "wow what a beautiful looking catch we have here"

Hunter 2 : *smirks* "indeed and look at the digivice around her neck"

Hunter 3 : "that must be worth a fortune"

Skye : "you thugs! let these digimon go right now!"

The three hunters smirked darkly as it sent shiver down my spine but to those smirks i would never give in even what they did next one of them cupped my chin so our eyes met then he began to kiss me roughly while the other two were beginning to undo my clothes but managing to kick them to the ground then turning my attention to the first hunter and head butted him once moving my head away and he fell to the ground.

Hunter 1 : "why you!"

Skye : "carry on and maybe i will even hurt you more"

Hunter 2 : "i like a feisty girl"

Hunter 3 : "this will become more interesting"

The three got up and approached me once again but lucky for me zoey and mark burst into the shack with my partners and hers then began to deal with the hunters,once they were dealt with the hunters were eventually bound together and was taken back to the city by the two police digimon and the officers who eventually freed and returned each digimon to their partners. Mark and patamon were reunited with happiness it made me and zoey happy,we went our separate ways until finally me and zoey reached asuka city and we entered. 

Zoey : *stretches* "it is so good to be back right skye?"

Skye : "......"

Zoey : "hello earth to skye"

Skye : "huh? oh yeah it is"

Zoey : "are you okay?"

Skye : "yes you go and see the commander i need sometime to myself"

Zoey : "alright then see you"

Skye : "bye"

A small sigh escaped my lips chikaimon looked at me with worried and asked if everything was okay looking at her then nodding we headed to the plaza,arriving and finding a bench sitting down looking at the sky in which i couldn't imagine that the few weeks has gone by since coming to the digital world and it made me feel worried about my friends and family. Feeling a nuzzle on my hand then my arm and leg then looking down noticing my partners were trying to cheer me up as a small smile appeared and began to hug them close and tightly. 

Little Boy : "e..excuse me"

Skye : "yes sweetie may i help you?"

Little Boy : "well um your digimon looks cool and i found this digi egg but the question is how does it hatch?"

Skye : "good question um i think you rub it gently then it will hatch"

Little Boy : "hehehehe thank you miss"

Watching the little boy running home happily made me smile then stroking all three of my digimon's head all three purred and cuddled into me but then all of a sudden the sky turned to pure red which was weird then a voice began to speak. Everyone stopped then looked towards the sky as dark beams descended and digimon who were pure black with red eyes appeared and began to attack the city. Getting up quickly we hurried towards the dark digimon as one shaped like a agumon launched a pepper breath attack towards me but dorumon got infront and used metal blast both of the attacks collided causing some dust cloud,calling out to dorumon two more digimon appeared shaped as a seadramon and a gorillamon who were both champion level which could cause trouble for us.

Master : "Tamers and digimon hear my voice you are all now under my control and order"

Tamer 1 : "what!? it cant be!"

Tamer 2 : "no.."

Others : *begins to panic*

Zoey & Mark : "Skye!"

Turning around seeing zoey and mark also their digimon they could see i was struggling so were my partners but we never give up we knew that we had to leave the city but leaving the commander was not a option but then zoey told me that the commander was under this  "master" control. Noticing the other tamers and digimon beginning to be captured and taken away we quickly made our escape seeing the gates starting to close one by one we managed to get through until it closed completely and not opening up no matter what we did so our only choice was to head to other city called kazu city hopefully to get answers or information about what just happened in asuka city.

To be continued.

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