Chapter 3~The Request

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Zoey : "hey skye are you ready to go"

Skye : "yes i am and where are we going?"

Zoey : "to the commander aswell and i guess you already ran into adam correct?"

Skye : "yeah he is such a jerk saying that my partners were weak"

Zoey : "he never changes and he always thinks he is the best and my name is Zoey"

Skye : "My name is skye"

She let out a small sigh as me and her after introducing ourselves to each other and with our partners left the cafeteria we headed to the lift once again this time she placed the 4F button which took us all the way to the top of the HQ,reaching the top floor we walked down the hallway on a red carpet then stopped at white double doors with gold handles on them. A voice told us to enter zoey opened the door softly as she entered she saluted to a well built male who wore the same uniform as the others but also a long coat and brown boots he had short black hair and yellow eyes and he also had a digimon which looked like a vampire one with a red mask and a cape plus his clothing was different to the other digimons. 

Commander : "ah i see your the new tamer correct?"

Skye : "y..yes sir i was transported here into the digital world"

Commander : "hmm i see what do you think of her myotismon"

Myotismon : "i see she has a very strong bond already with her partners so she will become a fine addition to us"

Skye : "now hang on a minute ever since i came here no one has told me what is going off and why did that betamon attack us in the forest"

Feeling lost and confused by their conversation guilmon,chikaimon and dorumon looked at me with a worried look the commander looked at me then smiling softly he began to explain what was going like the digimons in each of the area of the digital world were being taken over by this dark virus digimon. Now knowing why betamon attacked us he was taken over,the commander continued to explain to me until the girl named zoey began to tell me the rest of the story that there must be digimon who are rebelling,finally understand looking at zoey then at the commander. 

Skye : "can i have more time to think"

Commander : "of course we will provide you clean clothes and a room"

Zoey : "i will show her the way commander"

Commander : "thank you zoey"

Skye : "yes thank you"

Zoey : "my pleasure hehehehe"

Bowing to the commander we left his room following zoey but along the way to the lift the boy from the cafeteria named adam were leaning on a wall in the hallway grinning with his arms crossed and his two partners were relaxing beside him he then looked at me chuckling. Zoey whispered into my ear to ignore him with a slight nod both of us continued down the hallway to the lift until adam grabbed my arm and made me look at him, something about him gave me the creeps but i couldn't really tell what it was as for my partners they growled in anger.

Adam : "you really think you can save this world just as a weak tamer"

Dorumon : "oi let her go right now tamer!"

Zoey : "oi adam let her go right now"

Gabumon : "A tamer at her experience will never survive in this world"

Guilmon : "of course she will because we will get stronger!"

Adam : "sure you will and now if you excuse me i have some business with the commander"

With that said he let go of my arm then headed towards the commander office from there on zoey showed me to the 2.5F where the rooms were as she led me to my room also she told me that the other floors had a library,lounge room and many other things. Arriving at my room she waved goodbye then went to head to the briefing room for her mission,looking at the door then grabbing the handle while opening it up the room was big and well decorated even three beds for my partners were ready. Laying on the bed in fresh and clean clothes which was provided for me while staring at the ceiling thinking of today's event but unable to fall asleep my body just looked ready and much hyper even though my brain was tired then sitting up and looking at the three of the digimon.

Skye : "hey guys should we check out the city"

Chikaimon : "yay lets go"

Dorumon : "I never been in the city so i want to see it for myself"

Guilmon : "also maybe we might get some nice stuff and it will be fun~"

Skye : "alright guys lets go"

It was settled we left my room then the HQ heading into the city the sound of other people and digimon were amazing also lively but it also made me happy that other humans like me were here and some were tamers as we explored the city we heard a little girl crying. She looked upset so carefully approaching her and kneeling down at her level asking the little girl why she was crying she told me that her digimon salamon and her were exploring in the forest and they got separated she asked for people for help but some ignored her request to find salamon and bring her back,offering her request she sniffled then hugged me,hugging her back then standing up me and my partners headed over to the gates in which the city guards let us pass as it opened we then stepped out onto the bridge.

Dorumon : "grrr i sense digimon"

Skye : "where about dorumon"

Dorumon : "coming from the deep forest past here"

Skye : "alright lets head over there" 

Eventually along the way we battled wild digimons who got in our way making each of my partners to level up and get stronger until we reached the deep forest a dark and damp place but gathering my courage we continued through the forest until we heard a voice calling for help. As we followed the voice there was a small digimon which i could tell her name was salamon she looked injured,making sure the coast was clear as we hurried over then slowly picking her up in my arms a group of digimon of betamon and woodmon appeared,guilmon,chikaimon and dorumon got infront of me and all three attacked the group of betamon and woodmon lucky for us betamon were weak but woodmon managed to put up a fight in the end the group of digimon were defeated. Walking over to my digimon and softly stroking them we began to leave the woods but then another tree type digimon named cherrymon appeared and a plant digimon called blossomon taking hold of my digivice looking at it showed that both of these digimon were champion level which was bad news for us,even from that last battle my digimon looked a bit exhausted but managed to regain their strength and prepared to attack the two champion digimon.

To be continued.

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