Chapter 5~Growlmon

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Slowly waking up then looking around noticing i was in my room also beside me was my partners sleeping peacefully this made me happy slowly sitting up not trying to wake them up but my head was hurting then hearing the door open zoey entered with her biyomon smiling and let out a sigh of relief to see me awake. 

Zoey : "ah skye your awake"

Skye : "yes i am and what happened"

Zoey : "you fainted in the meeting room"

Skye : "i am sorry if you brought me to my room"

Zoey : "don't be sorry i was happy to help you"

Skye : "can we go outside for a fresh air"

Zoey nodded with a smile then helped me up as i stumbled a little,looking to my partners wondering if i should leave them alone a green plant flower digimon entered the room as her name was palmon she offered to watch over my partners as they slept. Using zoey as a support we left the room then headed out into the garden the breeze was soft as it blew through my hair and the sun was shining brightly there were other digimon aswell, just then without realizing it i began to sing softly the other digimon listened to my singing making them feel relaxed even one of the royal knight digimon entered into the garden and started to hear my singing. 

Unimon : "she is a great singer"

Patamon : "yes she is"

Zoey : "i wonder where she learned to sing like that"

Floramon : "i wish i had her voice"

Finishing singing then opening my eyes surprised to see so many digimon around us even one of the royal knight digimon omnimon smiling softly,he then approached us and told us that gallantmon and the others were waiting for me with a nod then saying good bye to the rest of the digimon we headed back inside then went to the meeting room. Finally arriving we entered then zoey closed the door behind her we then sat down around a table the digimon infront of me calumon was smiling then began to explain to me why was i brought here to the digital world and why i had the crystal digivice then all of a sudden a digimon who was named monmon burst into the room panting.  

Leomon : "monmon what's wrong?"

Monmon : "A group of kuwagamon are heading through the forest"

Ultraforce Veedramon : "impossible"

Zoey : "leopardmon let me deal with those digimon" 

Skye : "let me battle them please"

Everyone remained silent until they agreed with a smile and bow leaving the room and heading to mine along the way my partners were already awake and ready gripping my digivice we nodded then headed out of the place and into the forest. Seeing the group of those champion digimon made me nervous but with my partners i remained stronger then we engaged into the battle with them,even as champions they were good but slow which gave guilmon the chance to attack followed by dorumon and chikaimon making them back away, but then the three of them were attacked out of nowhere which sent them flying into a nearby tree. 

Skye : "oh no!"

Devimon : "hahahaha how pathetic"

Skye : "Devimon!"

Devimon : "not only me"

Adam : "long time no see skye"

Skye : "Adam!?"

Surprised to see adam with devimon and his digimon gripping my digivice tightly and backing away he smirked then in fast speed he appeared infront of me and grabbed my wrist,struggling and telling him to let me go devimon then approached me and attempted to reach for my digivice. Then a bright light came from my digivice which sent the light over to guilmon surrounding him as it raised him to his feet he began to digivolve,once done he became growlmon his champion form. 

Growlmon : "get away from our tamer!"

Adam : "Kuwagamon attack now!"

Devimon : "Adam lets leave now!"

Gallantmon : "not so fast"

Devimon : "tch one of the annoying royal knights"

The group of kugawamon attacked growlmon with their attacks but easily dodged it and launched a powerful dragon slash attack on them and a fire attack in which they were defeated,adam and devimon growled then devimon vanished along with adam and his digimon with the fight over growlmon changed back to his rookie form guilmon he then collapsed onto the ground. The digivice stopped glowing then suddenly fainting gallantmon caught me as the other three royal digimon appeared and picked up my partners. 

Omnimon : "she is a powerful tamer"

Gallantmon : "yes she is"

Magnamon : "but she will become a target for much stronger digimon"

Hours later waking up in my room also seeing my partners in their bed resting knowing they were safe and sound slowly getting up but my head was hurting so much then the door opened zoey entered with a tray of food and drink she placed it down and helped me become unstable then led me to the table. Finishing my meal and feeding my partners me,zoey and our partners left my room then headed to the garden once again,then looked at zoey and looked away wondering how should i tell her about adam being with devimon we finally arrived in the garden it was night already we walked to a bench then sat down. 

Zoey : "Skye are you okay?"

Skye : "y..yeah"

Zoey : "is something wrong because your not your usual self tonight"

Skye : "......"

Zoey : "what happened out there skye"

Taking a deep breath in then out slowly turning to her so our eyes were met i began to tell her about adam that he was with devimon,zoey remained quietly then sighed softly she then told me that the commander contacted her and told her that adam has betrayed them. For a few minutes we remained quiet as we watched our partners playing with each other and relaxing but then looking up at the night sky images of my friends and my family appeared in my mind wondering how are they all doing back in the human world.

Zoey : "we better head to bed"

Skye : "yeah.."

So doing so we headed back inside then headed to our rooms saying good night to each other we entered our rooms,changing into my night clothes then switching the light off and climbing into bed as soon my head hit the pillow instantly i fell asleep. Through out the night was peaceful and quiet as we slept but then a nightmare started to appear in my sleep making me toss and turn,until my eyes snapped opened while panting heavily then sitting up in bed and looking out of the window i could see a faint dark shadow vanishing instantly,holding my head slightly then sighing slowly laying back down then falling asleep again until the next morning approached up early in the morning unable to sleep i was in the training arena training my digimon getting them stronger also working on their defence along with other resists against machine,bug,ice and other things as we began to prepare for any upcoming challenges. 

To be continued.  

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