Fight Night

847 23 1

Josh's POV

The whole drive home all I can do is think about her. It's weird not seeing or speaking to someone you care about for 3 years. Not knowing if their life has been good or if they're struggling to deal with something.
I pulled into my apartment garage complex and started to walk through the lobby to head upstairs. I took my key out and opened up my door to see Peyton sitting on my tiny couch. She did not look happy with me at all.

Josh- "Hey I didn't know you were coming over." I put a fake smile on. "Is everything alright?"
Peyton- "Are you serious? Why did you go see her tonight?!"
Josh- "What?" I knew exactly what she was talking about but I played dumb hoping that she would second guess herself.
Peyton- "You know what Josh I get it. She was your first love or whatever you want to call her but it's so sad that you can't move on! You guys broke up years ago and the first chance you get to go see her you do? That's pathetic! Grow up and move on."
Josh- "I was just trying to be a good friend and support her! She's performing alone and if no one else showed up at least I was there to cheer her on. What is your problem with me trying to be a descent person towards her?"
Peyton- "Oh really a good friend? Exes aren't meant to be friends after you break up! She's your ex for a reason. Or since she's the one that dumped you, there's actually a reason you're her ex."
Josh- "Okay I get it I should have told you. I'm sorry." I was just apologizing so I didn't have to keep arguing with her.
Peyton- "You're going back to Nashville in a month. How do I know you aren't going to get with her again Josh?"
Josh- "Its not like I hooked up with her tonight. I went to her show, sat in my seat, and listened to her set. I'm with you. Me and Lauren ended a long time ago. So you're going to have to trust that we are over."
I know it's so wrong to drag Peyton along when she's just a rebound from Lauren. But it was true that I was with her. I wouldn't cheat on her and I know that Lauren doesn't want to be with me.
I don't know where me and Peyton are going to go from here but even though she was like the "rebound" she did help take my mind off of Lauren. And maybe I will learn to love Peyton like I loved Lauren.
But another issue with Peyton is that my family hates her. She's not known for being the nicest person. Peyton is always saying how I should stay in Miami with her and that if I really loved her I wouldn't go back to Nashville. And she always talks about how my sisters are controlling and manipulative, but my family have always been there for me so I will always be there for them. I'm not gonna start ignoring them because she doesn't like them.
I know I should have at least rebounded to someone my family liked but Peyton just made it easier. She had just gotten out of a relationship that she was trying to get over and in my last semester we had a class together and kind of bonded over that.
But to be honest, we just argued most of our relationship. About dumb things. All she ever does is pick fights about little things that she knows will push my buttons.
I snapped out of this thought when Peyton let out an angry sigh and continued.

Peyton- "Yeah I just don't know if I do trust you when it comes to her. If it was anyone else I wouldn't doubt you but you become completely different as soon as her name is even mentioned. That's not normal Josh. Heartbreak is normal for a certain amount of time but it's been years now. It's disgusting."
Josh- "I'm so sick of you telling me what's normal and what I should be doing. Don't tell me my heart is still broken and it's disgusting. You don't know anything! Just relax seriously. I'm sorry I didn't tell you that I was going tonight. That was wrong and it won't happen again. Is that an acceptable answer for you?!"
Peyton- "You are just like your family. You're weak. You're 21 start acting like an adult!"
Like that. She knew exactly what buttons to push to get a rise out of me.
Josh- "I am like my family! And they are the complete opposite of weak. I can't wait to go back to Nashville! I'm so sick of this. All we do is fight! I'm tired of you talking to me like your so much better than me. Don't tell me to grow up until you can do that for yourself!"
Peyton- "Good go back to Nashville! Go live with your loser friends and family! I don't care. Im dating down with you! I can do so much better than you! And obviously I'm not the only girlfriend you have had that's thought that."
Josh- "Get out. If you think your some perfect little princess that can get anyone then go. I'm not stopping you. I'm over this."
Peyton- "The only reason you're saying your over this is so you aren't the one getting dumped. Clearly at this point you're used to that aren't you?"
Josh- "Shut up! Just go. Leave. Because if you were over me you would have left already. So go we're done."
Peyton- "Fine. Go back to Nashville and be that same pathetic guy that you were when I first met you. You'll figure it out someday. You say you're over me but you'll be back."

Finally she had left. But as soon as I heard my front door slam all I could think was how I was alone again. Maybe I needed to be alone for a while. I had dated a few girls after Lauren only for short periods of time thinking that one of them would help me get past this. But so far all I do is think about how they hadn't been the same as she was. Maybe when I moved back to Nashville I'd find someone new,  then I would find happiness and move on.

Redeeming Love (Sequel to More than Friends- Lauren Cimorelli Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now