Chapter 16

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It's been three weeks since Jen landed in LA, three weeks since she last saw Justin.

'Say you'll wait for me'

"So what if I'll wait for you." the lady mumbled bitterly to herself. She was craving his voice, his touch... Him. Since when did I fall this deep?

Jennifer got into the shower and started her daily routine of overthinking in the shower. This was the only place she could truly think about what's going on with her life and where she wants to go from there. Having a successful career wasn't enough, she needed someone to share her ups and downs with. She needed love in her life.

If you're lost, you can look and you will find me, time after time. If you fall, I will catch you I'll be waiting, time after time.

The radio in the bathroom was playing this song and suddenly, the lyrics hit something in Jennifer.

"There's no one to catch me when I fall."

Over and over, this thought kept repeating itself in her mind. She shut her eyes and let the water hit her face, she was starting to get emotional. Burrowing her face in her hands, she fell to the floor and started sobbing uncontrollably. Her mind filled with self hate- Was she really so difficult to love?

A few moments later, she sorted her thoughts out, continued showering herself and got dressed for a Saturday night in.

Hoodie... Sweatpants... Wine... Good book.... Yes please.

Jennifer was starting to cosy up in the lounge when the doorbell rang. She rolled her eyes in frustration as she actually reached the best part of the book yet she had to answer the door.


Justin was just stood at the door, with a sorry look in his eyes. He knew she was waiting for him, but he didn't know for how long. One of his hands holding a single rose, another holding up a wooden sign with 'Sorry, I'm late' carved on, with two tiny hearts at the bottom. Jen looked down at the sign and froze, before her lips pursed into a smile. He, upon seeing her smile, cheekily smiled back although she wasn't even looking. He flipped the sign over, revealing another carving on it. 'Let me in?' with a sneaky smiley face next to it.

"Come in."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2016 ⏰

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