Chapter 11

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*Thank you for 1K reads! This means a lot, hope you guys still enjoy my fic, love ya.*

"I miss you, Jen, I really do."

These words kept racing through Jen's mind these few weeks. She stayed away from Justin and he stayed away from her. They avoided each other at hotel lobbies when they saw each other, when there were events, she would request for a guest list just to see that Justin wasn't there. It was living hell for the both of them.

Jen kept it inside while Justin took it out on Heidi. He would be so impatient with his girlfriend for the first time in years, he would hurry her while they went shopping, he would scoff at the words that she said, even though sometimes it was true. He just wasn't happy with her.

That day, she was having a little alone time shopping when she received a text:

Justin Theroux (12:04pm) : We're going to premiere of The Break-Up tonight. Dress well, love u.

Me (12:05pm) : So i need a new dress? Love you x

Justin Theroux (12:10pm) : Up to u, see u in the lobby at 5:20, dont be late.

Me (12:11pm) : Okay. x


Jen woke up with the brightest smile on her face- The Break Up premieres today, and she can leave Chicago, back to her friends, back to where she belongs. She freshens herself up and slipped on this silky dark slate blue dress that fell to her knees. A bareback dress- classy and sexy without revealing too much, that was how she liked it.

"Aleen, I'm ready. I need my make up and hair done, where's our team?"

"On their way, you'll look amazing tonight, love you."

"Hope i don't screw it up, thanks doll. Love you." Smiling, she hung up.

A few hours later, Jen emerges from her hotel room with her hair done, make up on and she was ready to go. Her hair was simple. Straight and windblown, giving it a natural shine. She was stunning. Any guy would be mesmerized.

*obviously i'm not very good with describing looks D:*

Her limousine pulls up on the red carpet. She was hella nervous- this is the first premiere since her divorce, it's gonna be intense.

You'll be fine, you'll be fine. She kept repeating and breathing heavily. Drinking a sip of water, she forces all the confidence left in her out, plasters a smile on her face and stepped out for the first time in front of the paparazzi.

Jen! Jennifer! How are you? Jen, here! Jen, smile here! Look here, Jen! Jennifer smile at my camera! Jen, turn around!

The paparazzi crowded in front of the red carpet, everybody's eyes were locked on her, either judging her or sympathizing her.

She seemed pretty fine after such a huge divorce. She wasn't, at all. Seeing the huge crowd in front of her, she got reminded of the time when she first heard of Brad and Angelina, together.

She was surrounded by the paparazzi, everyone was pushing her, her bodyguards and Aleen. All she could do was peek out from under her sunglasses occasionally, and then covering the tears she had in her eyes.

Confidence 101, where did it all go? Slowly, her heart started beating little faster and faster. Anxiety- what was she doing here? why was she surrounded by these people? leave, now. Her mind went blank and she stepped a few steps back, almost tripping on her little stilettos.

That was when she felt strong hands grab her arms from the back.

"Woah there, steady Jen." Vince caught her.

"What am I doing? I can't do this." She whispered, breathing heavily with her eyes darting from right to left, in front of the huge crowd of people.

"Breathe, Jen, breathe. All you need to do is breathe right now and try to keep yourself upright."

"Get me inside, please." She steadies herself.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a familiar figure, standing there, watching her intently, giving her moral support.

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