Chapter 5

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"Oh really? Fine. I'll just sit right here then." the stranger shuffled over to the next seat. Hiding his cheeky smile, he tried looking past Jen's mask, he wanted to know her, who she was, her face, her beautiful face. He leaned in closer and closer, staring intently at her, with a heart beating so fast, like a teenager in love. He had a stare, like an eagle's, like she was his and only his. The thing is, they were just strangers who met for the first time.

"I'm sorry but I'm spoken for, and he's on his way here right now." Jen had to lie. Whatever it takes for that stranger to go away, she'd do it. She's grown afraid of love, or maybe even a fling. Afraid of men.

"Well how can he, whoever he is, leave such a beautiful lady waiting alone at the bar?"

"Um, okay?"

"No really, you're beautiful. He can't leave you here alone, waiting for him."

"Stop, seriously. This guy, he's amazing. At least he's someone worth waiting for." she was getting annoyed and nervous, what if he's never leaving until 'this guy' comes to pick her up.

"Woah, woah, are you saying I'm not worth waiting for?" he bends down so that his face is so close to hers, mask touching mask.

"You're twisting my words, I never said that." she was still looking down at her drink.

"You were definitely implying that."

"All i said was this guy is worth waiting for. This guy, he's damn sweet, he knows how to treat a girl alone in a bar right, not flirting, not anything, he's pretty fucking amazing and he sure as hell isn't you, so please just back the fuck off okay!?" She couldn't take it, she stood up, looked at him in the eye and stormed out, sobbing.

No, she's not spoken for. No, he used to be damn sweet, he used to be pretty fucking amazing & he used to be her's.

The stranger, of course, was stunned. He has never been rejected by a girl like this, sure, he likes a good challenge, but not one like this. He was extremely insulted, yet so amazed. The lady who just stormed out on him- she was filled with betrayal, sadness and anger. He could feel it in her tone, she was done, done with people hitting on her, done with men lusting after her. He knows he should back off, nevertheless, he's still a gentleman. But something in him kept telling him to go after her, to press her up against the elevator wall and kiss her so passionately like she longed, so full of love. That's when he realised,

He's not lusting after her. He fancies her.

Grabbing his coat, he went after her. He didn't care if he came with a date, he didn't care if his date was actually his girlfriend who left earlier on, he didn't care what people will think of him since he's famous too, he wanted to see her.

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