Chapter 12

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Jen had no idea what happened out there on the red carpet, it was terrifying, somehow. As if everything was magnified right before her very eyes. The rush, the people, the judgy eyes, everything.


"Babe! Are we going to catch the premiere or not? It's about to start!" Heidi was excited about the movie- She loved Jennifer Aniston.

"You go, I need to find someone."

Seeing the crowd overwhelmed Justin. As he walked past the red carpet, all he thought about was how Vince held on to Jen- so tightly and secure. Justin should be the one holding her like this. He was complaining under his breathe, Where is she? while repeatedly running his hands through his hair as an act of frustration. He knew she wasn't fine on the red carpet, that look of anxiety on her while she was faking her smile was like a mask to others but it wasn't to him. He could see her emotions even though it had only been a few days of dating.

As he was rushing to the other end of the hallway, he walked past Jen's waiting room and there sat the love of his life, staring at the ground like a young girl waiting for her parents. Releasing an appreciative sigh, he looked at her with adoration and smiled. Her eyes were bright and she had this radiant glow on her, although she was in her post-shock state. Slowly, he moved closer and closer to the room until he saw Vince walking towards her from another side, holding a glass of water.

Jen's eyes filled with gratitude as she received the glass of water. It was a sweet gesture and Jen really appreciated it. "Thank you, i really don't know what would've happened if you weren't out there." tipping her head towards him and closing her eyes for about a second, smiling. This was Jen's favorite thing to do to show love and thanks.

*ahem* Justin.

"I thought I saw you outside, turns out I really did." Jen scoffed at his fake cough.

"Um, who are you?" Vince said.

"Hi! I'm her boyfriend, Ju-"

"No, you are not my boyfrien-"

"Can you please leave the room and give us a little privacy?"


"No, Vince, you don't have to go."

"We need to talk, Jen"

"No, shut up, we have nothing to talk about."

"Um... I'm just going to go."

"Vince, stay."

"Oh so he's your new boyfriend?"

"Shut up, Justin, I don't have a boyfriend."

"I'm your boyfriend."

"You have a girlfrien-"

"Can you stop about that? We have to tal-"

"You bought her here, didn't you."

"Let me explain!"


All Vince could do was listen, raise his brows, and listen again. He could crab out. He could. He should. He did. He left her waiting room without making a noise and shut the door behind him.

"He left."

"Yeah, and it's all because of you. You better have a damn good explanation of why you're here at my premiere."

"I don't, all i know is that you're leaving Chicago tomorrow and i don't want to lose you."

"Why? Why is it that you can just get back to your girlfriend but you're still here for me. Why? Just go and live your frickin life!"

"Because... I love you."

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