Chapter 4

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((sorry this update took soooooo long, had no idea what to write so I guess this isn't really interesting at all too D: ))

upon reaching her hotel room, jen slumbered into her comfy seat and thought about life. She wasn't really one to think, considering her busy schedule, but Friends is over now and it's a free night. Free from work, free from Brad, free from the paparazzi, although not for long. Free to feel joy, free to cry, free to have anger, free to try crazy things and not care about the consequences.

What if i actually gave Brad babies like he always wanted, will all of this be different?

Brad had been asking about babies for a while now. Almost everyday, Brad makes an attempt to get Jen to agree to having babies but she brushes the topic off all the time. To agree to a life of rushing between work and school, a life of breakfast on the table instead of coffee on the go, a family, it wasn't easy.

She was scared. Jen wanted a baby, she really did. She just had a ton of doubts: What if i raised my baby wrongly, what if our relationship end up like me and my mother's. All in all, she was just afraid of becoming a Nancy. She was afraid their relationship will crash at the points that they need each other most- how would her child feel if she wasn't there for him/her?

So what if they're famous celebrities, they don't have everything figured out.

Halloween night. Without the Friends cast. Weird. A masquerade party was held in the hotel ballroom, and Jen felt that if she didn't go, she would lose touch with freedom. She put on a little tight black dress, with dangling earrings, a diamond necklace that highlights her chest bones and her blonde hair hung loose, she grabbed her masquerade mask and headed for the party.

There were tons of people at the party which was supposedly small, she could get recognised, but she didn't care, she just needed a drink. As she glazed through the crowd, she was smiling, using her acting skills at their finest, not knowing that another pair of eyes were focused on her very smile.

"Martini please, um, can i have a Dirty Martini instead, thanks so much." The bartender didn't know she was Jennifer Aniston, all he cared about was impressing his customers, and of course, he tried doing some cool tricks with his little tin shaker to impress the pretty lady under the masquerade mask in front of him but clearly, she didn't care. Or maybe she was just unimpressed but she probably didn't care, so he just moved along after handing her the cocktail.

"Is this seat taken?" A dashing yet mysterious young looking man looked down at Jen, and smiled underneath his masquerade mask. He's attractive, very muscular, kinda like a badboy, but a classy one.

He liked her. From the moment she stepped into the room, he noticed her. She was glowing with darkness, like every strand of that lady was deeply hurt, yet she tries her best to smile for the sake of everyone around her. There was a need, almost urgent, for her to know him, and for him to know her.

"Yes, it is." she said, without looking up.

She couldn't.

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