Chapter 2

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"Jen! Where are you?? I don't see you?" Aleen asked. It was such a rush at the airport, not knowing that Jennifer snuck out of her house, the paparazzi could've caught on to the fact that her car was gone and found them at the airport.

"I'm at the boarding area, can you come quick? i think people are starting to recognise me." Disguising in a fedora hat, shades and a leather jacket was easy but people could recognise her due to her figure. She used to wear just a tanktop and simple jeans, no one would expect Jennifer Aniston to be wearing a leather jacket.

About a minute later, a tap on Jen's back and there Aleen was. They boarded the private jet in a hurry and left before anyone could report Jen being at LAX to the paparazzi.

"Thank god! I could see people starting to gather and watch me from afar, thanks for saving me."

Aleen is Jennifer's manager, the girl who stood by Jen through all her ups and downs, the girl who was always there. Jen loves her, dearly. Aleen loves Jen too, they were basically sisters.

"Ah, life saver or not, are you okay? Sure you wanna go back to work?" she asked.

"I'm not weak Aleen, i'm professional, and i have to let people know i'm back up on my feet."

"Okay, um, this is the script for the first few scenes, we have about 4 hours before we reach Chicago, read through it."

I flipped the cover of the stack of papers:
The Break-Up. Directed by: Peyton Reed. Written by: Jay Lavender and Jeremy Garelick.

Ironic. I started reading the script in my mind, it starts with Brooke and Gary (whose apparently Vince Vaughn) arguing:

Gary: Jesus, Brooke, you're acting crazy again.
Brooke: Don't you call me crazy, I am not crazy.
Gary: I didn't call you...No, I didn't.
I said you're acting crazy.
Brooke: You know what, Gary? I ask-

This part was exactly when I suspected Brad was cheating on me. I became insecure, suspicious. I became crazy. This was exactly my argument with Brad. He called me crazy, and I was, but I was crazy for a reason. They say you always know when your husband drifts away from you, I don't know how, you just know. Somehow, he became less interested in me, less interested in my life, but more interested in his mobile phone, going out on late nights or even late night conversations on the phone in the bathroom. The ways he tried hiding his affair was straight up pathetic, but I was stupid enough to believe he wouldn't do something like that. He's a guy, every guy cheats. It's a norm in hollywood.

I only noticed i was crying when i saw a splotch of tears on my script. Shit! I think i'm supposed to return these. I turned over to Aleen to see if she saw me crying but she's soundly asleep. I need a break from reading the script, it's too much to take. I shut my eyes, hoping the memories of Brad will go away, only to find it clouding my thoughts. Go away. My brain needs to recognise he's a jerk and not someone i should remember. I focused my thoughts on the sound of the phalang- (just kidding, there's no phalange), engine, and drifted off to sleep.

I felt a stranger's hand on my hips. " I love you so much." He whispered into my ear as he pulls me into his embrace from the back. I keep my eyes closed as he wrapped his hands around me. His touch felt so wrong yet so right, like it was home. Who is this man? I want to open my eyes so badly but every ounce of me tells me not to, for I may ruin the moment. He pushes me forward, causing my cheek to be pressed against a wall in front of me, turning my head to the right while his chin rested on my left shoulder. I could hear his deep breathing and he started planting soft kisses on my neck, turning me on.

"Take me."

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