You Turned My Whole Life Around. But I Like It. [Max Green] <3

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   "So, now your runnin'

Its hard to see clearly, when I make you angry,

Your stuck in the past-"

    I picked up my phone, "Hello?"

    "LACEY REBECCA MABBITT! GET YOUR ASS UP RIGHT NOW!" My cousin, Craig, yelled into the phone.

     "Im up, Craig. And I swear, if you yell at me right when I get up again, I will kill you and burry you Gab's back yard." I mumbled, aleady grabbing one af my packed bags knowing what Craig was going to say next.

     "Woah. Thats kinda harsh, Lace. But okay. Anyways, the bus is about to be at your house so you better be ready when we get there." He said and hung up.

     Yep. Im Craig Mabbitt's cousin, Lacey. Escape The Fate is about to go on tour and I'm going with them. Ive never met the band before, so this should be interesting.

      I quickly brushed my hair and teeth did my maake up ect. and went down stairs to wait for the bus to get here to get me. I was so pumped.

       Soon, there was a knock at my front door. Before I could get the door open, Craig walked in and gave me a huge hug, "Ready to go?"

      I noded, grabbing my bags and heading out the the bus with Craig close behind.

    We got to the bus and Craig opened to door. He showed me where my bunk was. I was on the bunk above where Max Green was going to be sleeping.

    Craig lead me out to where the two couches were, "Guys, this is my cousin, Lacey. Lacey, this is the guys." He said and sat down next to one of them.

    "Um, Craig? That doesnt really help me fingure out who is who I said to him." I feel so stupid.

      "Oh, Im Robert." A tall one with long-ish curly hair and sunglasses said standing up and holding his haid out to me. I shook it. Then, he sat back down.

      "I'm Bryan. But, call me Monte." One of the other two guys said, smiling. He waved. I waved back, shyly.

         I looked at the one guy who still hadnt said anything yet. He was staring at me. He seemed to snap out of whatever trance he was in, "Oh. Um, Im Max." He said, not moving. Not even smiling.

I slightly nodded my head and went to my bunk to lay down. I was so tired, why did i have to get up so early?

     I heard footsteps coming my way, I didnt move. "Um, Lacey?" A voice I knew I could quickly reconize(sp?) as Max.

     "Yes, Max?" I said, still not moving. Just looking at the celing.

     I heard him shift a little, "We got pizza. You, um, wanna come eat with us?"

     I quickly jumped off the bunk and ran out, "WHERE. THE. HELL. IS. THE. PIZZA?!" I screamed. making all the boys on the bus look at me.

    "Yep. That's my Lacey."  Craig chucked, handing me a slice of pizza.

     The guys and I pigged out on 3 pizzas, there was nothing left when we were done.

     Soon, it was 11 at night and we decided to go to sleep. I layed down and fell asleep about 5 or 10 minutes after my head hit the pillow,.

-----------------------2 hours into my sleep-----------------------------

        I was having the worst dream ever. I was reliving to moment my parents died.

     I woke up, gasping for air. Then I realized someone was shaking me, trying to wake me up. I most have been making alot of noise. I rolled over to see Max.

      "Are you okay, Lacey?" He asked, concerned.

       I just shook my head, too scared that if i tried to talk, i would start crying and not be able to stop.

       He quickly pulled me close to him. I hugged him back. For some reason, this just felt... right. Could I be falling for Max? I mean, we did click pretty good when we were eating, but, i didnt think I would fall for him.

      "You can come lay on my bunk with me, if you want?" He said, softly stroking my hair with his thumb.

      I shook my head. I just didnt want to be alone. And Max really seemed to care. That was a nice feeling I havent had since my parents died.

     We layed down on mis bunk. I put my head on nhis bare chest and he he put his arm around me. I soon fell into a peaceful sleep. With the best dreams Ive ever had.


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You Turned My Whole Life Around. But I Like It. [Max Green] &lt;3Where stories live. Discover now