"Craig, my heart hurts." Chapter 3.

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     The show's tonight. Im super stoked.

    The guys just finished sound check. Now, they're getting ready for the concert. I knew most of the time I was probably looking at Max. So, it really didnt surprise me when Craig came to ask if something was going on between me and Max. Ahh. Craig cares about me. That's a reason I love him.

      "LayLay, what's going on with you and Max?" Craig asked when he was done getting ready. The rest of the guys weren't done yet.

        I laughed a little to myself, "Nothing, Craig."

        He didnt seem convenced, "Do you like him?"

       I looked over at Craig and nodded my head, "A lot."

      "Please dont get hurt," he said, walking over the the stage. They were about to go on.

----------------------AFTER THE CONCERT---------------------------

    What Craig said had been running through my head the whole concert.

     "Dont get hurt."

     Thats all I heard. Would I get hurt? Would I be able to get hurt again withough doing something stupid? I mean, I get hurt so easy. Its happened to me so much. What would happen if I got hurt again? I tried to push the thoughts from my mind when we got back to the bus.

       "Ahh. I dont know about you guys, but it feels so good to be able to sit down again," Max shouted as he sat down on one of the couches, "Lacey, come sit by me and be my human pillow?"

        I sat down beside him and he layed his head on my shoulder, closing his eyes.

       We had all been sitting there talking for about ten minutes. Max wasnt laying on my shoulder anymore, he was texting someone. Craig and I were talking about the things we did when we didnt see each other for a few months and Monte and Robert were talking.

      Out of no where a girl came running into the bus. Monte and Robert stiffened. Craig just let out a groan and threw his head back. Thats when I saw her. Lexus Amanda. The band whore.

      "MAXI!" She yelled running over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and giving him a big kiss.

       Max kissed her back......

       They pulled away, "I missed you so much, baby. I havent had someone in my arms while I was sleeping in so long." Max said and smiled at her.

       Lexus let out a giggle.

      Wait. Baby? And he hasnt held anyone in his arms lately? He's been playing me? And he just lied to her? Great. I got hurt already.

      I got up and started walking to my bunk. I turned around and saw Lexus hugging Max and he was looking at me with an 'Im sorry' look. I just shook my head and kept walking.

      I got to my bunk, pulled the curtin (sp?) so no one could see me, layed down and started to cry into my pillow. I wish my mom was still here to help me, just like moms do for their daughters in movies. I wish my dad was here to tell me that if I needed him to, he would kick Max's ass. Like they do in movies.

       I never had parents to do that, they died when I was five. In a house fire. That's when me and Craig became super close. He was the one that helped my through times like this, like a mom should. He was the one to tell me he would kicck some guy's ass if I needed him to, like a dad should do. I began to sob quietly.

          I felt someone rubbing my back, "Its okay, LayLay. Its okay." It was Craig.

        I sat up and hugged him, crying into his shoulder.

        "Its okay, Lacey. Everything is going to be okay. I promise."

        I shook my head, "No its not."

       He hugged me tighter.

      "Craig? Can I sleep with you tonight?"

      He chuckled a little to hiself, "Of course."

      Time passed pretty fast after that. I finally stopped crying and was sitting on my bunk by myself waiting for Craig to tell me when he was going to bed, I didnt want to see Max so I stayed on my bunk.

      Suddenly Max came to talk to me. I only know becaus he sat on  my bunk, really close to me. I scooted away.

         He sighed, "I'm Sorry."

        "Whatever, Max." I said, not looked at him.

        He got off my bunk and layed down on his, "Craig wanted me to tell you he's going to bed. I dont know though."

       I jumped off my bunk and went to wear Craig sleeps , wish tears coming down my face, yet again.

      Craig saw me and hugged me.

      I didnt say anything, just layed down and got under the covers. Craig layed my beside me.

      I could feel the tears coming even more, "My heart hurts, Craig." I mangeed to whisper.

      He hugged me close.

     I soon fell asleep.


Tell me what you think? (: And i know Lexus and Max arent together anymore but i liked the idea I had. (:

You Turned My Whole Life Around. But I Like It. [Max Green] <3Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz