Chapter 2 (:

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           The next morning I woke up, my head still on Max's chest and his arm still around me. I smiled to myself. I have to say I love this feeling.

           I looked up at him and realized he was looking at me, "Morning sunshine," he said flashing his beathtaking smile. I felt like I could just ment right there.

          I smiled up at him, "Morning," I said standing up and making sure my clothes didnt get all twisted up in my sleep, like they do a lot. They look fine. I checked my hair, to make sure Max wasnt looking at the ugliest thing in the world. It seemed fine. I must of not moved since Max was holding me .

        He stood up and went to wear the bathroom was. I walked out and sat on the couch next to Craig. Robert and Monte were there too, all 3 of them in only boxers.

      Craig looked over at me," So, why were you in bed with Max when I went by?"

     I sighed, "Craig, I only had a bad dream last night and I didnt want to sleep by myself."

    He nodded.

      Thats when Max walked in, whith pants on. Thank God, I dont have to look at 4 guys in just boxers. He sat down next to me. I smiled. He smiled back.

      "So, guys, since we have a show tonight, wanna go to the mall or smothis?" Robert asked, looking around at everyone a couple of times.

      "Yeah, man. Sounds good," Craig said standing up, "Wanna come, Lace?"

       "No. I'm still really tired. I think while you guys go, Im going to sleep a little bit more."

      "Yeah, Im with Lacey. I need more slep before the show tonight," Monte said looking at me from the corner of his eye.

       Craig nodded. Rob, Craig, and Max put the rest of their clothes and headed out for the mall, leaving me and Bryan on the bus, alone.

       I layed down on the couch I was sitting on, "Well, Im takeing a nap. See you when I wake up, Bryan."

      "Wait.... Lacey, I need to tell you something."

       I opened my eyes again and looked at him, "What is it, Monte?"

     He sighed, "Well, um, I think I like you." He whispered the end.

     I was shocked. I didnt know what to say. I like Max. Yep. Its official, I like Max. I really lie Max. I sighed and sat up so I could look him in the eye, "I'm so sorry, Bryan. But theres this guy I really really like and I see you more as a friend. Wait, scratch that, as a BEST friend."

     He looked and me and nodded, "I undertand. So, best friends it is," He said standing up and heading to the "bathroom". "Oh, and Max likes likes you too."

     Wait, he knows? Is it that obvious?

You Turned My Whole Life Around. But I Like It. [Max Green] <3Where stories live. Discover now