"I just want you to be happy. And I know its with Max."

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So, about a week after the whole catching Max in bed with a red head whore thing, everything is starting to go back to normal now.

I'm still with Monte, but I can tell things are starting to fizzle out with us. He just doesn't seem to be that into me anymore. I mean, it could be because since everything that happened with Max, I started to act different. I barely smile or laugh anymore.

Monte and I are still as close as we were when we were just best friends, but when we got together, we wanted to be with each other all the time and we didn't act like best friends. Now, we're acting like best friends again.

Everytime we kiss, it just doesn't seem the same.

Now, me and all the guys are just sitting around the bus being lazy. Oh yeah, I don't think I told you that we are back on tour now, but today we arn't really doing anything. The guys don't have a show until tomorrow night.

"Lacey! Tell your brother that you love me more then him!" Monte shouted next to me, with Craig lightly twisting his arm. I could tell he wasn't hurting him though.

I giggled a little and looked around the room. I swear that Max was smiling for the frist time over the week, He hasn;t heard me laugh or anything, Monte's the only one that has. Was I the reason he's smiling? Nah, I can't be.

"Lacey!" Monte whimpered. Craig must be starting to hurt him now.

I sighed, got up and walked over to where Craig was. I looked at him serious, "Let him go."

I saw Craig's grip on Monte loosen up, then he just let go. Craig slouched on the couch, letting his back hit it and a huff escape his mouth. I looked at Monte. He was rubbing his wrist where Craig's hand was.

I didn't bother to even sit next ti Monte now. I just walked to the other couch and sat between Robert and Max. I can't do this. I like Max way too much to keep playing Monte like this. I don't want to loose him as a friend.

Monte stood up, "Lace.. Can I talk to you for a second? Alone?" He added at the end before scanning his eyes over all the guys then stopping on me.

I nodded, got up and walked to the bunks with Monte close behind me, "Yes, Bryan?" I asked, using his real name.

He took a deap breath, "I don;t think we were ment to be. Not right now, Lace. I see the way it hurts you to see Max when other girls are around. I've watched you when it was just you guys hanging out. You always look a little more happy then you ever do, even if you don't smile or laugh when you're with him," he took in another breath, "When you giggled back there," he pointed back to were we came from, "he smiled. I saw it. I saw a little color come back to your pale cheeks."

"What are you trying to say?" I asked him. I didn't really feel like one of his long rants right now.

He lightly moved some hair from his face, "I just want you to be happy. And I know its with Max."

I could feel a smile forming at my lips. Monte understood and that's all lthat mattered right now. Not that Max could hurt me again in a matter of seconds but that Monte understood me, "Thank you, Monte. So much." I hugged him tight.

I wrapped his arms around my wait quick before letting go and kissing my cheek, "Now, go you some Max," he said winking at me.

I laughed, rolled my eyes and wallked back out to where the Max, Robert and Max were waiting. I sat in between Max and Rober again. I was a lot closer to Max this time.

Robert took his phone out of his pocket and looked at the time, "Well, its midnight. I'm going to hit the sheets." He stood up and walked to the bunks.

"Yeah, me too," I said, looking at Max hoping he would get the hint that I wanted him to come and stood up then walked to my bunk, still above Max's.

I quickly looked over my shoulder at Max. He was just getting up and walking to where I was walking. His bunk.

I was already in my pajamas since it was so late so I just sat on Max's bunk. Waiting on him to get here.

Max finally got to his bunk and looked at me, "Lacey.." He said sitting next to me, pulling me onto his lap and hugging me, tight.

I put my arms around his neck and my head on his shoulder, letting only a few tears escape from my eyes.

Max pulled away and wiped away a few tears and kissed my cheek, "I heard about you and Monte. So, you like me?" He smirked, trying to act like he wasnt happy, but a little cocky.

I could see the little bit of hope in his eyes, though. I just nodded and smiled. I could feel the color coming back to my cheeks.

Monte was right. I am 10 times happier when I'm with Max.

Max leaned in and before I knew it, his soft, warm lips were on mine.

I kissed him back. Out lips moving in perfect sync.

He layed my on his bed and slid his hand up my shirt and unclipping my bra. I'm pretty sure you can tell what happens next.

Maybe everything will be okay. <3

You Turned My Whole Life Around. But I Like It. [Max Green] &lt;3Where stories live. Discover now