(2) Fighting Your Sister Is Always Fun

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Ok guys, I know it's been some time, but I made this chapter good for ya'll! :)

Dedicated to @reekles, for being such an amazing author. Your writing talents inspire me ^_^

Remember to comment, vote, fan, and add to library please! :D

You're not only helping me, you're helping yourself ;)

Read the A/N at the end to find out how. Sorry for the horrible spacing D:


Chapter 2

When I was making my way up to my room, I saw Cade. I didn't dare go up to him, yet I wasn't such a coward that I hid. I gracefully strolled past him letting him know what he gave up. I made my way up the stairwell, thinking I was safe now, he didn't see me.

"Rose!" He called after me, and I froze. Drat. I knew if I looked at him, I'd wither. He was perfect in so many ways, and he did this to me. I fought back tears and composed my face, turning around. I had to be strong.

"What?" I snapped back after I turned around, putting up a wall.

He trotted up the stairwell to me, rudely running into the servants. It wasn't rude actually; they should get out of his way.

"They're not true." He told me, trying to hold my hands, but I was not about to let him.

"Whatever. Save it for the donkey you're going to ride home to my sister. Oh, well I guess you'll be riding two donkeys, since you're going home to her." I retorted, grinning evilly. Cade smiled at me, and then he turned serious. His head dropped, and he folded his hands in front of his stomach.

"You know, Rose, you don't have to put up the tough girl act in front of me. I've known you longer than I've known your sister. And I know what she did to you wa-"

"Will all of you be quiet about my sister?" I shouted at the top of my lungs, everyone at City Hall snapping their heads up to me, then looked down when they realized I was looking at them.

"Shh, sweetheart, why don't we go up to your room and talk about this, hm?" He whispered in my ear, making my body tingle like I had just been touched with a cold hand. He had a sly smirk on, knowing that I knew what he was talking about. He wanted to go up to my room and have sex. What a swine. He seriously thought I was going to go along with him.

Well, he wasn't half wrong. If my resolution wasn't so strong, I would have. I wanted to so badly; his touch was just what I needed then. Too bad he was the one who cause me the pain.

I pushed him off. "Get off me; go back to sweeping horse droppings in my father's stables." And with that, I continued to my room.

When I pushed the door open and collapsed on my bed, I broke down. Two days ago, everything had seemed so perfect. Too perfect. I knew Arabella would come and strike sometime.

But not now! Not by stealing my boyfriend!

That no good slut didn't know any other way of hurting someone other than to steal their lover. That is all she was good for. When she got knocked up and my parents kicked her out, I thought she finally got what she deserved. But when they put her in another mansion, without exiling her from the city, that is when I started hating them. They weren't even strong enough to put her in her place. In the dumps.

What she did to me was unacceptable. She is lucky father was on city council so he could save her sorry bottom. Yet, he didn't try to save me. He could only look at me with a look of internal peace inside, as if he knew that day was going to come.

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