(3) Meeting A Stranger

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Aha, guys this book is doing sooo good :D 

Don't let me down! 

MAKE SURE to comment, vote, like, and tweet please! Thank you <3 

This is dedicated to @iluvdaisychain for voting for this chapter and also promoting me! :D Thanks! ^_^

well, my always interesting rant will be at the end! 

Enjoy! ;) 


When I turned around, I saw that my servant was in the doorway, holding a broom. She looked hesitant to come in, so I snapped my fingers at her again, and she rushed over to me.

"Yes M'lady?"

"Oh my god. Are you honestly that ignorant? I ordered you to clean up this glass," I said, pointing to the pile of glass.

She nodded, and I walked out of my room, heading down the stairs. City hall was bustling. Most likely the news reporters trying to get the latest from the Jefferson family scandal.

I spotted Thomas at the bottom of the stairs, holding his arms up, blocking the peasants from coming up the stairs. They all chirped on excitement when they saw me. How lame. Thomas turned around, and he flicked his head towards the direction of my room, telling me to look back. I looked around city hall, and saw Arabella and Cade surrounded by news reporters.

I shook my head at Thomas, and cleared my throat very loudly. Almost all conversation in the room completely stopped, and all heads snapped to me.

I took a deep breath, and paused for a moment, giving Arabella and Cade one last glare.

"Peasants and citizens of Whitchurch, I'm sure you all know of the recent problems my family has been going through. Now, I assure you, I am the victim here. You all know Arabella Jefferson does not have the greatest reputation. So, her stealing my fiancé had nothing to do with me. Surely you all remember last year's incident. So if anybody should be in the public's eye, it's her," I pointed to the place in the room where my sister was, and all eyes turned to her. She seemed to be liking the attention.

"Maybe you just didn't give him what he wants!" She yelled, puffing her chest out.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "You think what you want, if that's what helps you sleep at night. Oh wait," I said, putting my finger to my chin and looking up, "you don't sleep. You're working." Peoples' mouths fell, and they turned back to her, expecting an answer. When I finally heard her speak up, it was too late, I was already shutting the door to my room.

I turned to the mirror, and saw that all the shards were picked up, the wood part of it propped up on the foot of my bed.

I walked over to it, flicking the edge of the wood. I hissed in pain when my nail cracked, blood rushing from the wound. How many times was I going to be able to hurt myself today? Like the gaping hole in my heart wasn't enough.

I sighed internally at myself. Such a failure I was, it seemed like the only thing I was good at was being beautiful. But that wasn't even a talent in itself.

I walked over to the window again, half-expecting to see a crowd outside. When I realized that life was just as normal as it usually was, I closed my eyes in relief.

I noticed the guy at the glass shop. Once again, he made me lose my breath. I would never think I would see a beauty greater than mine. Other peasant girls seemed to notice him too, stopping to stare at him and whisper to each other. I felt a pang of jealousy, but quickly dismissed it. They were no match for me.

Breaking GlassTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon