(8) Stealing The Spotlight Pt. 2

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"Have you not the decency to give me at least a day without having to deal with you?" Arabella said as she approached me, Cade on her arm.

"No, I do not wish to grant you that wish," I answered, jutting my chest out.

"Well I see you've made friends with Aiden," Cade commented, his eyes flicking between the two of us.

"Yes, we are very close in the time we have known each other," Aiden said, reaching to wrap his arm around my waist.

Cade's face fell, a frown creasing his forehead. "Have you two...?"

I pushed away from Aiden, disgusted. "What? Why of course not!"

He grinned. "Well that's too bad," he said, patting Aiden's shoulder. "She's really good at-"

"Cade!" Arabella and I hissed at the same time, earning curious glances from the guests around us.

"What? We are all related now! Sharing secrets is part of the thing," Cade mumbled.

"Oh, so would you like me to tell them you have a small..." I trailed off as The Queen's granddaughter passed us, her ginger curls bouncing in a feminine way. "Forehead," I finished dryly, spotting my mother.

Arabella followed my gaze and grinned. "Well I guess we know who is truly mum's favorite now, hmm?" she said confidently.

"So? She will be dead in a few months and all you will have is that cheating husband of yours," I spat out, feeling the acid in my words.

Arabella started pouting - a sure sign she was going to cry. I took my chance go escape, squeezing through Cade and her, and strolled over to my mum, genuinely enjoying all the jealous looks from the girls, the lustrous ones from the boys.

"Oh, Rose! What a nice surprise to see you here," my mother's translator, Alice, said in a fake manner, only trying to make conversation.

I spotted many royals, all eyeing me curiously. I gave them a harsh glare and they dropped their gazes immediately.

"I hate you," I told my mother.

"What? No you don't, kind sweet, daughter," Alice translated my mother's sign language. Making signs with her hands, my mother was nervously glancing to her company.

"You are so fake."

"What? Rose Jefferson, control yourself this instant!" Alice screeched, my mother turning red from anger.

"No, you are a little spoiled Witch. You are my mother. You threw Arabella put of our family yourself! And now you come to her wedding?" I asked, my pulse quickening.

"You are never going to give me one," Alice said flatly, an apology on her face. She has to translate what my mother signs, I understand.

"Well, we'll just have to sew about that," I challenged, turning on my heel.

Maybe being with him wouldn't be so bad.

After all, I am definitely not falling for him.

So it will be purely business.

"At least I hope so," I whisper to myself before kissing Aiden.  


Hey guys, I am literally falling asleep writing this.  

I have 7 hours to sleep >.<  

Ugh. Well, idc! It's all for you guys :) <3 

erm, don't forget to vote comment like tweet fan and add to library please!(; 

Short again, I know. I'm sorry. :( 

I will get on my computer and actually write a long chapter tommorow. I'm sorry I've been busy with being in vacation in Florida, and now I back home. And also ROTC, and school shopping... :P 

Well, before I pass out... 

Bye bye:) 


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