(4) Knowing A Stranger

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"This delivery is for... Rose Jefferson?" the voice behind the door inquired.

I opened the entryway to reveal a familiar brown-haired man. My mouth dropped, and he frowned at my reaction.

"Oh. Uh, yeah just bring it in."

Aiden leaned on the doorway. He looked so much like a god that I gasped. He frowned deeper. "Look, I don't know about you, but I want to spend the least time together as possible. So will you be a dear dame and just take this and have one of your guards put it up?"

It took all of me to not close the door on his face. "No. Unlike you, I actually act like a civilized person. And I want to talk to you."

He stood up straight. "And what does her majesty want to talk to me about?"

"Don't call me 'her majesty.'" I deadpanned.

Aiden smirked. "Well then what does Rose want to talk to me about?"

"I am Rose."

"Exactly." he winked.

I sighed. When will this guy stop hating me?

"Look, I'm not going to talk to you outside my room. Come in?"

"Ah, I see your plan. Sure."

He pushed me out of his way, and continued to sit down on my window seat. I shut the door, and walked over and sat next to him.

"Why do you hate me?" I blurted out suddenly, unable to stop myself before I spoke.

Aiden brought his head back, and furrowed his brows. He locked his jaw and looked out the window, examining the day.

"I don't." he finally admitted, glancing at me once before looking back out the window.

"Oh really?" I asked, uninterested because I knew he was lying.

"Look, just because I don't treat you like your servants treat you, doesn't mean I have any harsh feelings."

"Oh so what type of feelings do you have?"

"I'm not nice to anyone actually," he continued, ignoring me.

I raised my eyebrows. "We finally have something in common," I muttered dryly, not expecting him to care.

"That we do. Maybe that is why it is interesting to talk to you."

This time, I was surprised. "One minute ago, you were dying to leave my presence."

"That is because you wanted to be in mine. I don't exactly like clingy dames," he admitted, waving his hand, gesturing to the windows. I knew who he meant; he meant the village girls that giggled about him every time they've walked by.

"Ah, I see."

"And I don't exactly love what I hear about you."

I gulped. "You've heard about Cade and Arabella?"

He smirked. "Uh, no. I hear girls talk about you, saying you're the most beautiful woman in all of England. But also very rude. Well, I charge you on both those counts."

I blushed madly, and I placed my hair in a way so that it hid my face from him. A small smile slipped into my face, I couldn't help it. I was the most beautiful in all of England? Most importantly, Aiden thought so too?

"And who are these Cade and Arabella people?" he decided to change the subject, obviously feeling the tension in the room.

I looked up and glanced at the mirror pointedly.

"Oh, so they are the reason your mirror is broken?" he asked, suddenly interested.

"Great job on repairing it by the way."

Aiden sighed, and I turned to him. My breath caught at the proximity of our faces. My nose was on his cheek, and likewise. I was about to back away when I felt a strong hand on my shoulder.

"You know Rose, even though we don't know each other very well, you can tell me anything." His blue-green eyes burning into mine. I saw sincerity in them, and the way they were looking at me made me melt.


I reached my hand up, and gently pushed his hand off of my shoulder. I stood up and shook my head vigorously, making my hair whip everywhere.

I turned to find him gazing at me.

"Can I help you with something?" I said sarcastically, quoting his line from our last meeting.

"You're very funny," he said, smirking. "And cute." he finished lightly, expecting me not to hear him.

I snorted. "Well I've never been called that before?"

He blushed slightly. "Well obviously no one has been able to see past your rough outside."

"Oh, of course."

"Your name describes you so well. You are such a beauty to look at, but don't get too close, because then you will get pricked with a thorn. but get even closer, and the smell is so sweet, you will be enchanted."

My mouth fell, and I felt my cheeks flame. He smirked proudly.

"Um, that's a... Good analogy." I smiled slightly, trying to lighten the mood.

"Are Cade and Arabella the couple that you were arguing with earlier this week?"

I laughed once. "Arguing? I wish that was it. I-"

"Then what is it, Rose? If I don't hear it from you, I'll ask some peasant. And they might not tell me the truth..."

I scowled. "Fine."

"Fine," he retorted.

"Uh, well... Cade is - Cade is my ex-fiancé."

"Why ex?"

"Because... He cheated on me with Arabella... My sister..."

Aiden sucked in a sharp breath. "Ouch."

I sighed. "Yeah. And now it's all a big scandal. Just like last time..."

"Well I've only been in Whitchurch for 5 days. So I wouldn't know about that."

"Oh well, um, ok?"

"Yeah. I have to go get back to work. So... Bye."

My heart sank. "Wait!"

He turned, and I grabbed his arm, pulling him towards me. Our lips met, and they immediately moved in synchronization.

I realized what I did and pulled away quickly, pushing him out the door. I gave him a once-over, and the look on his face was of pure surprise.

"Bye," I muttered quickly, regretting it the second it slipped my lips. He looked like he was about to say something, but I put my finger up, stopping him. He backed away slowly, waving his hand to me in goodbye.

I shut the door.


Hm, so Aiden and Rose's first civilized (well... Almost ;)) meeting! :D

VOTE, COMMENT, FAN, LIKE, TWEET, & +1 loves!!! :D 


I cannot thank you Guys enough. Just... Please do those 

For me. I give up being with my family to write this story.

Ta-Ta for now! ^_^ <3 xx

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