(24) Apologies Never Said

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Chapter Twenty Four.

TWELVE MORE DAYS TILL THE END OF ROUND ONE D: Gah, I’ll get this finished in time though, I promise :D Please vote guys! I appreciate them <3 Thank you.

Read the author’s note for an opportunity to have your story promoted to 300 fans by me :D


I gasped, my hand going to my mouth. “Arabella? Cade?... Father?”

They all turned their heads to me, solemn expressions on their faces. Arabella stood, clasping her hands in front of her stomach. Uh oh. I knew that stance. She was about to apologize.

“Rose,” she started uncertainly, “after everything that happened, Cade and I have been trying our best to find you.” She motioned to Cade, and he smiled at me weakly. Arabella continued talking. “We found out from the guards that Thomas had taken you. We asked him where you were, promising our good intents. He eventually told us where you were.” She looked around the house and I was surprised not to see disgust on her face. Arabella was used to elegance, nothing rural.

“Why did you want to find me?” I asked softly.

“After… I heard that you were pregnant – well, you actually told the whole town – I knew whose it was, and I just wanted to ask if it was his.” She stood awkwardly, made uncomfortable by her words.

“Whose?” I asked, my eyes shooting to my father’s.

“Cade’s” Arabella whispered, glancing at her husband.

I shook my head immediately, putting up my hands. “No, no. It’s not Cade’s.”

Arabella pouted, looking at Cade. Relief was clear on his face as he rocked back and forth, smiling. “Well, then, whose is it?”

I pulled at my collar, trying to put off these next words. Then I looked at my visitors and saw that I had no explaining to do.

They knew Aiden was the father.

“You mean…” Father started, standing up, “that you gave yourself to that boy, even if you were not going to marry him?” The pain in his eyes was apparent, and I wondered what he was thinking.

“No, I mean, I didn’t. I mean – he didn’t force it. I wanted to,” I told him, stumbling over my words.

My father raised his eyebrows, looking at me with surprise. “Oh?”

I grimaced. “Yes… And why is it any different than if I gave myself to Cade?” I asked. Then I realized that both he and Arabella were in the room, and I blushed beet red as I looked at them apologetically.

“You and Cade were set to marry each other,” my father said indignantly.

“We did it before we even knew,” I retorted, once again feeling butterflies in my stomach as I talked about such things.

Arabella sighed, shaking her head. “Daddy, let her be. We’ve all made mistakes. I know that I have.”

Her words caught me off guard, and I wrinkled my forehead. “Arabella?” I asked.

“Yes?” she returned.

“Why are you acting in such a different manner?” I asked, crossing my arms.

She looked at me with a shocked expression, and then she frowned. “Rose… It’s just…”

“It’s just what?” I asked.

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