The Catch Up

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Riyiah POV*
Well, me and James and the kids doing good. They all in elementary and me and James just doing what we do. We working on moving now. At first we wanted to move outta state, but both our family's here a and the kids lives just getting started. We didn't wanna do that to them. I been working on making money too. I doe went into the fashion industry. Making things here and there. James trappin and doing what he always has. But he also got a job at Stevie cousin company. Which is good so ion gotta worry really.
James POV*
My kids been growin up Soo fast. In years they going to college. I just be thinking about that like damn. Ima miss them. Them and Riyiah all I live for. Ion know what ima do without em! But yeah me and Riyiah good like always. We haven't really spent time together alone since we got into our business. She be gone with the kids taking them to school before i wake up. Then I go pick them up and take them to they Grandma house and I go to work. When she get off she go get them and take them home and help them with homework if they haven't already done it. and feed them. When I get home they all sleep and I get my dinner off the stove and eat, do what I gotta do and go to sleep. That's our everyday routineI miss her. Doesn't even feel like we together.
Stevie POV*
Wassup y'all? Well I been good. Last time I spoke on here was when I took kameyiah. I got FULL custody of her. I'm Soo happy! I didn't even have to fight because Maria was living inna homeless shelter. Nobody would take her in. I started to let her SPEND A FEW NIGHTS! But she started getting disrespectful towards me and kameyiah. So I shut that shit down and I let the judge know I wanted restraining orders. So yea. Ion know where she at now or who dick she been sucking on. But I could care less because she foul as hell. I feel bad for the mother of my only child. But once you disrespect my baby girl, ITS OVER WITH. I been seeing this one shawty. Jamya. She fine like wine boaa! Kameyiah love her. And she love kameyiah. Jamya stay at my house. That's baee!! But we focused on us. Not the dumb shit✊
Maria POV*

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