Feels Like Falling

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I guess I should start with how I met Harry. About three years ago I had just graduated college and taken a job for a graphic design firm in Manchester. I was slightly terrified to leave home and travel thousands of miles to the UK for longer than a vacation. I would miss my friends and my family, especially my sisters. I was the oldest of four girls and we are all so close.  But it was the opportunity of a lifetime to travel abroad and live in a new place.

Less than a month before I was scheduled to start work I found out that with my low starting salary and student loans looming over my head I wouldn’t be able to afford a flat in Manchester proper, even with a roommate. So I started looking online for accommodations outside the city.

‘ooh that one is so cute’  I thought to myself while browsing.

“Holmes Chapel, that sounds so quaint!” I called the number right away and as luck would have it I got the place for a great price, as the landlord was pleased that I was a ‘young professional and wouldn’t cause a ruckus’.  The next few weeks passed quickly and as all my goodbyes came to a close I prepared for my flight to London the next morning.

            All my belongings had been shipped already so I only had one suitcase to collect from baggage claim. I found mine quickly because I had tied a pink satin ribbon to the handle. It was surprisingly easy to navigate the trains. The Train ride from Heathrow to Holmes Chapel would take about 2 hours.  I fell asleep on the train and only woke up because my phone was buzzing on the tray table in front of me; an alarm I had set. I grabbed my suitcase and walked off the train. Holmes Chapel was just as I had pictured it! It looked like every little town from movies I had seen.  My landlord was meeting me at the station to help me get settled. I recognized him immediately, he was wearing the same red hat as in the picture on the website. I got my keys and a tour of the flat. It truly was perfect! Small, feminine and bright sunlight spilling in the shutter clad windows.  Though it was presently filled with my boxes!

            I was starving, and in no mood to shop for groceries or cook. I decided to find somewhere to get some take out, which I later learned is called take away in the UK. There was a place near my flat called the Red Ox Tavern. Seemed promising; bar food is always tasty! I went in and sat alone at the bar and looked through the short menu.  The bartender was older and looked a little rough, but he took my order and kindly pointed out my accent. I told him briefly how I had ended up here and he wished me best of luck with the new job. My food came and as I began to eat I heard whispered laughing coming form the booth behind me. Fearing I must look like an animal attacking her food I quickly put down my sandwich and froze.  I peered over my shoulder and saw 4 boys sitting there and every one was staring! I couldn’t have looked that ridiculous… could I? But I had spent 7 hours on a plane and 2 on a train today so I certainly didn’t look my best. My long auburn hair was tied up in a messy knot at the nape of my neck and I was wearing my favorite and most comfortable pair of skinny jeans with a simple short-sleeved sheer blouse and a pair of flats. Though I was confident in my normal appearance being in a new place and all the traveling time today had really thrown me off my game. Why was I feeling so intimidated by a table full of kids? ‘Ugh ignore them, they are just laughing at something else’ I assured myself. I picked up my sandwich and started to take a bite when someone sat down on the stool next to me. I sipped a bit of my water and glanced at the guy sitting next to me. He was cute in an awkward sort of way. He had a mop of curly brown hair and green eyes. He looked like he had something to say so I interjected, “yes?”

            “I am supposed to chat you up,” he whispered

            “Really, supposed to?” I replied coyly

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