part 8

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Walking inside arm in arm with Louis I felt like a sexy Hollywood starlet. It seemed like everyone was looking at us as we walked past. Cameras were flashing and the press inside the event were still shouting questions at Louis.  He ignored them all and guided me briskly to the large round table where his name card was sitting. Next to his a card read Tomlinson +1. Louis pulled out the chair for me and I sat down with a smile. The rest of the boys had not arrived yet. I was glad; this gave Louis and I a bit of extra time to work on our devilishly cheeky plan. 

            “That was quite a kiss back in the car, you must really like me!” Louis joked. But part of me thought he might not be completely kidding. I was not going to worry about it now, I wanted this to look good so I took Louis’ hand in mine and leaned over to whisper in his ear, “what if I did really like you?” He turned to look at me with wide eyes.

            “That was convincing!”

            “I know, right?” I replied as I stroked the side of his face. Louis continued to compliment my acting ability and I mussed with his hair and giggled when he made a silly comment. It seemed like we had been sitting there only seconds when the other boys arrived. Niall made his way to the table ahead of everyone and saw Louis and I holding hands. He sat down and addressed Louis sternly, “You better know what you are starting with Harry.” He then looked at me,  “Harry told me about your history, and I wont do anything to stop what’s going on now, but be warned this will not end well. He may not look it, but Harry is delicate. We all spent many nights trying to mend Harry’s broken heart. So I wont have it smashed again. If the two of you are up to something it ends now. If you fancy each other, talk to him first, don’t hit him with that news like this.”

            Niall was surprisingly caring and wise; I had not expected that. I knew he was right and pulled my hand away from Louis’. “Not like this, Niall is right. Me, you and Harry will talk tonight. I whispered to Louis’ ear. He simply nodded in response.  The rest of the boys had finally made it through the press line and Harry took the seat next to me and the others filled around the table. All of the boys had come alone except for Liam and Harry. Louis grabbed my hand under the table and squeezed it as Harry casually introduced me to Morgan as if he truly had just met me that afternoon. I guess his acting skills were much better than mine! I also met Danielle, Liam’s girlfriend.  These two girls couldn’t be more different! Louis had not been lying; Morgan was annoying. She somehow found a way to turn every conversation about herself and complained the entire night about this thing or that. I could see it on everyone’s faces that they had had enough. Especially Harry. Maybe he finally realized what an idiot she really was?  Danielle on the other hand was sweet, stunning and so intimidating. But we became quick friends chatting about growing up dancing. I was really happy to have met Danielle and my feelings of inferiority slowly faded away.

            The evening was passing along quickly and though Louis and I had decided not to put on the full show, He would subtly touch my hand or arm when he talked to me, even brushing my hair off my face once. Harry noticed every move Louis made. By the end of dinner the phrase ‘if looks could kill’ came to mind. I made sure to never reciprocate Louis’ gestures, but I also didn’t stop him.  Things reached a boiling point when Morgan commented on my dress and Louis added that I looked ‘absolutely and completely ravishing’.  Harry looked like he was going to lose his temper. Not knowing what else to do I stood up and excused myself to use the ladies room.

            The bathroom had a nice sofa in it and I sat down to collect my thoughts. Was this thing with Louis a good idea? Had we gone far enough, Harry was obviously mad and all Louis and I had done was touch forearms! I just wasn’t sure what to do, and to make matters worse I still had to be professional here. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror, just stared. I don’t know what I was hoping to see. The door opened and I pulled out my compact and pretended to be touching up my makeup. I heard the click of the lock and turned to see Harry in the ladies bathroom with me.

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