part 5

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            My job had worked out really well over the last year. I had received a promotion in August that would send me back stateside starting in September. I have to admit with all that had happened I was happy to be leaving. Though I had made friends, England never felt like home. My new position was with a promotions company in LA that handled a wide variety of clients. From actors and musicians to athletes and Olympians. I would be assigned one of their clients and handle everything image related for them. I would approve all styling decisions, graphics, all the way down to what font was used on merchandising. I would have a staff that worked under me in the LA office, but I would physically be with the clients 24/7 handling any image or marketing things as they came up. I was told this included being present for all interviews and public appearances. This was a huge step for me considering I was so young. This job was typically done by some one at least 10 years my senior. To say I was thrilled was a huge understatement!! On my first day at the LA office I met with my boss who wanted to get to know a little bit more about me and my interests before assigning my a client.  

            Her office was expertly decorated and she had pictures with autographs hanging on every wall. Her name was Georgia and she was thin, tall and had long blonde hair with a gorgeous natural wave to it. I could tell by her casual attire that I was overdressed. But she welcomed me quickly with a warm hug and as we sat down she continued to explain how important it was that I be a good fit with the client she chooses for things to run smoothly.

            “So tell me about you.” Georgia said emphasizing the you.

            “I am pretty laid back and work well under pressure.” I started

            “No, no I want to know the good stuff. Favorite movie, favorite song of all time, hobbies, worst break up, do you have a sense of humor? I know you are a great worker your resume speaks very well on that side of things. I need to know if you can mesh with these people, can you become their friend? Someone who is trustworthy for them to lean on?” 

            I laughed and suddenly felt so much more relaxed! “Well my favorite movie is Empire Records. I am really into music and its set in a record store. It has a really sweet love story in it actually; I’m a sucker for those! My favorite song of all time? It would have to be Under Pressure by David Bowie. I love older music as well as some current pop music. I loathe rap! I fancy myself a photographer in my spare time. I just got a Minolta Autocord that has been giving me some amazing shots lately. And my worst break up happened last year actually. I had been living in the UK for my previous job, as you know. I met a guy the first night I was there and we hit it off and it was great, until it wasn’t. He got an opportunity to follow his dreams out of town and we ended it. It wasn’t a bad beak up in the sense that we fought and ended up hating each other. It was just sad. I was seriously heartbroken. It took me a long time to even start to move on. I still find myself thinking of him more often than I would like. But I’m sure he’s doing well and because of that I know I did the right thing letting him go.”

            The entire time I was talking Georgia was nodding, gesturing or laughing to show she was agreeing with what I had to say and it seemed like she liked me. Which was a huge weight off my shoulders, as I wanted to make a good impression. Before Georgia could respond her phone rang. I started to stand so she could take the call in private, but she motioned for me to stay, so I sat back down. 

            “Okay change of plans.” Georgia said after getting off the phone. “Your clients are on their way and they will be here in about 30 minutes. If you want to pop into the powder room and freshen up or grab some coffee from downstairs you should have time.”

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