part 22

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The next week and a half flew by and all the hard conversations were over. Louis and I clicked even better now that the weird sexual tension was gone. We were still dating because now there was actually more than just rumors to cover up. I was just as against the whole cover up as I had been before, but the boys would share their love with the world when they were ready. Louis and Harry were officially and happily together as far as our friends and family were concerned however, the rest of the world still saw Louis and Lola the happy couple and Harry the womanizer, neither could have been further from the truth. I was surprisingly okay with how we were now, and after taking a few days to just let it all mellow I could honestly say things were turning out exactly how they were meant to.

            Paul had forgiven us quickly for running off, but Seth still had us all on a short leash. Danielle was here and we were having a blast! She would stay through the last two concert dates and we’d all fly back home together. Niall had really been there for me every step of the way. He organized a game night where we all played monopoly. Louis won of course, because he cheats when he’s banker.  The best thing Niall had arranged was a midnight swim after the show in Tampa just for the two of us. Admittedly we had both drank too much, and the decision to strip and run into the bay could have been a terrible mistake but it had turned out to be one of the most liberating things I’d ever done. I felt freer in that moment than ever before, like nothing could touch me and I would never hurt again. Niall had done all this to keep my mind of what could have been a crap situation. Somehow after only a few days of adolescent fun with him it had all just blown over and hardly seemed to matter anymore. I was having actual fun again. There wasn’t any drama, bullshit, stress, insecurities or worries just fun and even a little freedom. Niall and I could go out whenever we wanted; the press had painted us as quite the chummy pair of friends so there had been a flurry of pap shots of us the last week or so. This pleased Seth, who told us that fans were really responding to Niall and my friendship. That they even liked the idea of Niall and I together better than Louis and me. It had quickly become the running joke on the bus and Josh would taunt Niall with the name fans had given us, Nola. It was all in good fun though. I couldn’t have gotten passed all the stuff with Harry so easily if it hadn’t been for Niall. I would always love Harry with a piece of my heart and I knew I’d always hold a special part of his, but we had grown up and as much as we may have wanted it to be different we made better friends than lovers.

            Tonight was the second to last show and we were in Orlando now. The boys were buzzing and I couldn’t have been more proud that they had almost completed their first major tour. Liam and Dani were in the dressing room snuggled in the dark watching a movie, as were Louis and Harry. Zayn had wanted a bit of alone time before going on stage, I think he was bummed that Perrie couldn’t make it over. Niall normally liked to warm up with the band but tonight he’d texted me to meet him center stage. I’d stopped questioning his seemingly quirky requests because he always had something adorable and fun in mind. It was about an hour before sound check and the stadium was completely empty except some crew and a few venue employees. I walked down stage to the single stand mic that was set out next to Niall’s guitar. I tapped the mic lightly surprised to hear it was on. Niall had crept up silently and when he grabbed me from behind I yelped into the mic. He pressed a kiss to the back of my neck and his arms flung around my waist. My heart was all fluttery from him scaring me seconds before and when I felt his lips meet my neck a second time it began to race faster. This felt more than friendly and the rush of desire that flew through me was a welcomed surprise.

            “Niall…?” I questioned breathy as his lips continued to graze my neck and bare shoulders. “What are you doing?” I choked out, totally enthralled by the feeling of his mouth on my skin and the scent of his hair ruffling near my face.

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