part 21

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I pulled myself together and remembered that I’d tucked my work phone in the glove compartment of the car. I traipsed dripping wet across the parking lot to the car and pulled out my phone. Without even thinking about it I called Niall. I knew I could confide in him and he wouldn’t freak out, or tell Paul.  I hurriedly explained the situation with as few details as possible and he said he’d get a car and come meet me straight away. I checked my navigation and without all the stops we’d made and messing about while driving I was actually only 3 and a half hours away from Niall.  I tried to take my mind off seeing Harry and Louis together by playing some of the dumb games on my phone, but it didn’t work. I put my playlist on shuffle and cuddled into the seat getting as comfortable as I could. I must have fallen asleep for a while because I woke to Niall calling my name. I sat up in the backseat of the mustang I had rented for Harry and I and looked around, finding Niall a few rows over checking all the cars for me. I guess in my haste I hadn’t mentioned the kind of car I was in. I quickly hopped out and ran over to him. He threw his arms around me and enveloped me in a hug that only he could give. I was still a bit wet, from lying all scrunched up. Niall took me by the hand to a black SUV that he had borrowed from the hotel in Dallas. I was relieved that he had come alone and that he had thought to grab me some clothes; slipping into dry sweats and a hoodie felt amazing. He didn’t pressure me to explain or ask a bunch of questions right away. Except to ask if I was sure I wanted to leave. I nodded, and he said I should at least leave a note so they knew where I had gone.  I scribbled on a napkin from the glove box:

I went back to Dallas with Niall.

 Please finish the trip; you guys need some time alone.   

We can talk when you get back. Love you both… xx


“We’ve all been pretty worried” Niall broke the silence after we’d been driving for a few minutes.  He glanced over at me and flashed a hesitant smile. I hadn’t even thought about what the others would think about us just disappearing. I now felt selfish on top of everything else and began to cry again. Niall reached for my hand and squeezed it. “Hey, Lo. You don’t have t cry! I was just saying we been worried is all. Figured you all ran off somewhere t-gether”, His thumb making circles on mine as he held my hand and talked me down. Niall was so easy to talk to. He never judged and always tried to find something positive. I told Niall everything that had happened and he comforted me as best he could. “Can I be totally honest with you Lo?” He asked his accent heavy.

            “Of course!” I replied gently

            “I’m not the least surprised, I’ve always kind of thought the two of them were…” he paused. “well you know.” He continued. “Not that I care or nothing            , that’s just fine wit me, just thought it seemed a might strange that they both were so interested in you.” I looked at him confused at what he meant. “Fuck I keep putting my foot in me mouth! You are, are amazing, gorgeous and I only mean I didn’t think they, either of them liked girls, at all really.” 

            “Oh so what you’re saying is its not that I’m completely repulsive its just that they prefer each other to me..” I said teasing him.

            “You know what I mean. You can’t possibly doubt your appeal.”

            “Oh but I can. I’ve only had one serious relationship, and turns out it was all probably a lie. I don’t think Haz lied intentionally at least not at all in the beginning. But I think he’s known for a long time and he’s been hiding behind me. I feel like a fool for not seeing it sooner. They love each other.” I glanced over at Niall; his eyes were watching the road. His face fluttered with thought for a minute and then he spoke cautiously and carefully.

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