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I am going to rewrite this story, if you wish to read my first take then continue.

But I am going to be making a third book to this series, so before you continue keep in mind the third book will be posted in a trilogy book that will feature all three stories in one.

So please if you wish to follow me while I improve and write out the series follow my new book on my page.
Its called "The Trilogy".

The way I wrote this book and made certain things will be changed so if you wish to read the new one and not miss some points then please go check it out****

Description; In life things can happen that can change you for the good or bad. After changing him for the worst is Delirious to far gone? Once moving to a new city where his mask is not known and hunted he encounters this new cities "hero's" a group of vigilantes that keep trouble off the streets. Will they kill him or try to save him? But is delirious to far gone to even attempt to save him? [ Book 1 ]


-Hello guys this was my very first story ever posted I have went back through and checked everything out I am very happy to call this story complete I hope you enjoy your reading from here on out comments are welcomed so feel free to do so if you please :) Enjoy guys-

Delirious's P.O.V

The sun has just set, darkness has now fallen over the city I don't know why but I've always preferred the nights whenever I kill someone and this one's perfect the wind is blowing slightly giving a warm breeze and to my surprise there's not many people out, normally the streets are crowded with people walking them. "Ok so who shall we pick tonight" I chuckle a little at my own comment, getting up off the roofs ledge of the Five story building I was onto of, walking to the rooftops door I opened it hearing the hollow echo from the staircase as I walked inside causing the clicking sound the door made when shutting to bounce off the walls soon followed by the sound of my boots hitting each metal step with a thump sound, making my way onto the street there were only a few people I was watching earlier in the night walking up and down the streets again but none of them to my likings as far as I see.

I made my way to the beach but as I was walking to the far parts where no one normally goes I see a girl by the water she's alone swimming, I pull my mask from under my hoodie, putting it on then making my way slowly over to her after watching her for a short time I knew she's the one I want to kill tonight. She makes her way out of the water up to a towel placed on the ground next to a bag as she dries herself off I creep up behind her letting Delirious come out, covering her mouth with my hand as I shove my knife into her spine at just the right spot to paralyze her before I shoved her to the ground, she rolls over to look at me " No please don't do this" she begs looking at me with total fear on her face, I get on top of her holding her down as she struggles to try and get me off, I can feel Delirious coming out fully now " Do you have family" I ask her a crooked smile plastered on my face not that she can see " Yes please don't do this let me go I won't say a word please I promise" she's begging me I find it pleasing it always made it more enjoyable of a kill when they beg for their life as if one life is actually meaningful, " Good that makes this more satisfying" I said in a sinister tone of voice as she begins to scream I stab her through the stomach watching the blood pore out of her mouth the sight of watching my victims bleed always gave me a rush, she grows weaker by the minute while she looks at me " W-Why" is all she says before her body goes limp, satisfied I get off of her looking at her lifeless body before I started laughing my famous laugh the one where my name originated from, looking down I smiled at her small figure seeing the color start to fade from her skin showing all her innocence leaking out indicating I had taken that away from her, after putting my knife away and making my way through back alleys so no one would see the blood on me, the last thing I need is to have to kill cops as fun as that sounds I don't want the risk of having someone see how I dress, it was a peaceful walk home after all of it.

Walking around the shitty convenience store I live behind I take my key out unlocking my door, walking into my apartment I kick my boots off making my way to the bathroom, striping my bloody hoodie and clothes off tossing them in the basket to be washed later, then stepping into the shower turning on the water so I could wash the blood off me, once I was clean I sit there letting the hot water role down over me, I put my arm against the wall placing my face on my arm letting the water relax my once tense muscles until it started to get cold I sigh turning the water off, stepping out I pull a towel around my waist then continue to my bedroom putting my deep blue cotton pajama pants on and getting into bed feeling exhausted. I was having trouble sleeping which I've grown accustom to by now I look out my window listening to the wind blowing silently after a few hours my eyes finally shut.


I wake up to a loud thump I get out of my bed to go check my parents room only to gasp when I saw my mother laying on the floor with blood all around her, my sister was by the closet she had blood dripping from her neck I backed away in fear before I ran out, hearing glass break from downstairs I make my way down to see my dad struggling with a man who proceeds to pull a gun out. Time slows down to a crawl as I watch in horror " RUN!" My father yelled looking at me before the man pointed the gun to his head " NO" I scream. A loud bang echo's through my ears as my father falls to the floor.

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