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Delirious's P.O.V

" DON'T !" the man said before taking the bullet for the woman behind him, as his body dropped to the floor I shot again killing the girl before turning to the lady behind the desk I shot her twice in the chest, alright now that all the witnesses are dead let's continue this I thought to myself, I made my way to the vault hacking the system and stepping inside opening the safe I start as fast as I can shoving money into my duffle bag as an alarm went off I look outside to see no one was in there then I look at the lock pad and shit wouldn't you figure it needed a second code typed in, must be for extra security I turn shoving more money in the bag before there was none left to grab, I check my phone police scanners were going off I had to leave now, running through the door then turning down the alley behind a building next to the bank as I turn the corner at the end of it I run straight into a man knocking both of us off our feet which normally never happens I'm always quick on my feet getting up I look at the man in front of me he was wearing a red leather jacket with white stripes on the arms and a few other places with black gloves on, tight black pants, red converse shoes and he wore an owl mask hiding his face, shit this must be that damn vigilante that runs around great good job Delirious I think to myself then pull my knife out wanting to in joy a good bloody kill tonight.

Vanoss's P.O.V

*BANG* I jump a little even though it sounded far hearing a gunshot is the last thing I expected, I started to run towards where the sound came from a few more gun shots went off in the direction of the bank knowing criminals their going to take back alleys I start to head through the back alleys I can hear the banks second alarm system going off I start to run a little faster after a few minutes of running I turn the corner only to be greeted by a body knocking me to the ground, I quickly got up looking at the man in front of me he was wearing a blue hoodie he had a scuffed up hockey mask covering his face, dark slightly tight pants with boots on and a duffle bag, this has to be the guy Craig was looking into I smirk a bit because I'm finally getting to see this killer in person he's only a few inches taller than me he's lean and seems to be fit, he pulled out a knife and I shifted my feet getting ready for a fight, he lunges at me with the knife quicker than expected I tried to dodge but not in time as I felt a sharp pain shoot across my arm, I look at it for a second shit he cut my arm I then turn grabbing his wrist but fail as he breaks free slamming me into the wall knocking the wind out of me this guy is tough, he then went to put the knife to my neck but before he could I grabbed the blade not caring if it cuts my hand it's better than my throat.

He grabs my other hand pinning it to the wall before I could even think to punch him, meeting his gaze on me I began to feel weird as I look into his eyes which are light blue making me think of the light blue glow around the moon at night sometimes but oddly their clouded over almost like he's not in the right mindset but then I feel the pressure that was on my hand that's pinned to the wall be removed but soon I feel a blunt force to my ribs I stumble a little pushing the knife and him away from me, he soon steady's himself coming at me again I drop to my knee and tackle him back onto the ground smashing his hand that's holding the knife on the ground till he drops it but he returns his other free hand to my jaw a pain started to grow in my head as the punches began to come more, I loosen my grip on his hand I had pinned enough for him to break free and grab my head twisting it enough to keep me off balance before he rolled me off of him I'm shocked he didn't just snap my neck, as I fall over onto my back the sirens grew louder he gave me one last look as if to check if I was going to get up.

He turned to grab his knife then soon took off back down the alley while I was laying there in pain the struggle made me use all my strength to keep him from killing me and I was exhausted not to mention the blood pouring from my arm probably didn't help either, I grab my arm to try and slow the bleeding down, after a few minutes I hear footsteps coming up to me I thought it was this masked killer coming back to finish me off, before I blacked out I heard a familiar voice " Mini I found him you were right he was in a fight and he looks pretty bad tell Wildcat to get ready I'll be back soon".

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