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Delirious's P.O.V

When I woke up I stretched and rubbed my face but soon shot straight up realizing my mask wasn't on I looked over to see Lui and my mask on the stand next to my bed " It fell off when you were sleeping so I put it next to your bed" he said sleepily yawning I went to grab it " You know you don't have to wear that" he said giving me a gentle look I picked it up looking at him " I don't know why you do but I don't see anything wrong with you" his voice was soft but I was still mad at the fact he saw my face I tried to put it on when I felt a hand grab it from me " Don't wear it today" he said while I started to get pissed off and stood up " Just come down with me you don't need this mask" he said with his voice pleading at me, I started to panic a little I didn't like people seeing my face " You look fine" he said in his soft tone and he placed my mask down grabbing my hand pulling me out of my room " I know if they say anything harsh you can handle it" he said shrugging his shoulders how the hell does this guy know so much is he in my damn head I thought to myself " I know you don't want to be seen to close to people" he let go of my hand and walked down the stairs but I followed right behind him, as we got close to the bottom I grew more nervous I don't know why I was fucking doing this but Lui reminded me of a mother so I listened, once into the living room I stood next to him and he gave me a soft smile as the guys looked at me shock all over their faces.

" Wow" Craig whispered out softly " Lui how the hell did you get him to take his mask off" David said looking at Lui like he was a wizard or something " Damn dude I'm hurt I wasn't the one to convince you" Luke said laughing a little I know he's just happy to see me in front of the guys with it off " Isn't he sexy" Lui chuckled a little looking at me, Evan was giving him a death stare " Is there any part of you that doesn't have a scar" Tyler said looking at the scar on my face.

" It makes him look like a badass" David said standing up walking over to me but Lui shock his head no but David didn't stop, he put his hand out and I hesitated as I put mine in his " Welcome to the group" he said as he shook my hand, letting it go to sit back down.

" Why didn't you take it off sooner" Craig said looking at me like I was a model which made me uneasy " Well not everyone is as confident with how they look like Evan is" Tyler said laughing when Evan gave him a warning glare " Well Evan what do you say" Lui asked not knowing Evan already knows what I look like " ......" he just kept staring into my eyes and it made me uncomfortable until Lui put a hand on my back then Evans face grew angry " Well fuck man don't kill Lui" David spoke out awkwardly, Evan looked back at me and Tyler pulled him to the side away from us I went to sit down next to Lui and David as Craig's eyes were locked on me and Luke was watching Evan.

Vanoss's P.O.V

I was looking back into Jons eyes those blue eyes are beautiful they didn't look glazed over if anything they looked a little scared I was about to walk over to him when Tyler grabbed me and pulled me to the side " So is that why you asked me about how to tell if your into a guy" I jumped a little at his comment " When did I ask you that" I asked while he laughed a little " When I brought you home from the bar" he said smugly, the only things I remember was taking shots then pulling Jon down close to me in my bed before he got up and left " Dude your face is red and the way your looking at him" his face lit up with amusement " I don't like guys let alone like Jon" I grumbled out he put a hand on my shoulder " The way you look at him says otherwise plus the glares you give anyone who gets close to him or touch him also gives a different answer" he whispered looking between the two of us, I started to feel like I was sweating.

" HE IS MY SEXY FRIEND!" I heard a squeaky voice yell " TO HELL MAN HE IS MY BEST FRIEND" I heard Luke yell " I CALL DIBS ON HIM" Lui still yelling in his squeaker voice, me and Tyler walked back over to see Lui in front of Jon and Luke standing up in front of his seat " You can have him on weekends but he is mine on weekdays" Lui said then started laughing " He's not a child let alone our child" Luke chuckled out staring at the smaller male, Jon just sat down rubbing his face smiling at the two arguing " Well what if I want him" Craig said softly the guys just shot looks at him " To bad your mine so you can't have anyone else" Tyler said as he sat down next to Craig and put his arm around Craig's neck, then everyone went silent and looked at the two of them " What do you mean" Craig sounded so nervous as he looked at Tyler " I mean your mine" Tyler said as he put his hands on Craig's face and pushed their lips together " YES FINALLY!" Lui yelled.

The two split up and Craig's face was beat red " About time you two got together" Luke said as he sat back down " Wait you have liked me all this time" Craig asked softly and Tyler nodded Craig's face lit up with excitement as he jumped on Tyler's lap connecting their lips together again " Get a room" David said as he walked out of the room and Lui followed him Jon was walking out the back door and I followed him, he sat down on the edge Lighting up a cigarette while I sat next to him seeing him shift a little, I gave him a warm smile and saw his face go a little red I'm glad I can finally see his face right now.

" Why are you hiding from me" I asked softly staring him down gently he grew a little pale so I put a hand on his shoulder having him look up at me then lock his gaze on my eyes, the look on his face was something I've never seen before and he broke it off returning his attention to his cigarette " Give me one" I said he looked at me shocked " Yes I smoke now hand me one" I said waving my fingers in a 'give me' motion he pulled one out and handed me the lighter along with it " So how long till you put your mask back on" I asked lighting it while he looked like he was really thinking about it then he just shrugged his shoulders.

" Keep it off please" I asked and he gave me a worried look " Your fine you don't have to hide anymore the guys don't seem to mind you and as long as you're here nothing will happen to you" I said seeing his eyes grow a little dark again so I grabbed his hand making him jump which only made me hold it firmly not letting go while his face had gone pale again he got up and walked back inside I followed him to his room and I saw him going for his mask so I grabbed his hand pulling him away from it then pushing him into the wall he looked nervous, I didn't know what I was doing but I was just going with it I put my hands on his face and started to rub his check with my thumb, he placed his hands on my waist and I liked the feel of his touch " Wh..." he tried to speak but I put a finger over his mouth and saw him growing more nervous, this wasn't like the other times no he wasn't in control I was.

I cradled his face with my hands as I leaned in a little and I saw him relax I was now so close I could feel the breaths coming from his lips, our lips were so close to touching when I heard a knock on the door and Jon pushed me away before walking to the door opening it as Luke stepped inside and nodded at me " Hey dude I came to ask if you would want to go do something I started to hear soft moans from Craig's room and I don't want to be here to find out if they get louder" Luke said looking at both of us, Jon looked back at me and I was a little mad that we were so close to kissing and that happened I guess Luke saw my expression as well " Evan don't look so mad David and Lui are coming as well and you can to" he said in a soft tone I just nodded and we all walked out of the room after Jon grabbed his mask but keeping it with him not putting it on, we walked into the garage Jon get into his car Luke was about to join him before Lui pulled him back and whispered something Luke nodded " Alright boys you two are going to be with me and their going to follow" Luke pulled back saying, I was mad at how close Lui was getting with Jon and I saw him look out the window giving me a smirk when he saw my face, I just shook it off and got into the car Luke said we were going to the carnival tonight, I was deep in thought as we drove I couldn't get it out of my head I was pissed at myself then I got confused, I almost kissed Jon and he didn't fight me...

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