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Delirious's P.O.V

" RUN!" I wake up breathing heavy my dads voice yet again echoing through my ears why am I dreaming about that night so much I mean I've had the dreams before but never this frequent maybe it's trying to tell me something, I shake the thought out of my head and roll over in my bed looking at the time on my clock it says 5:45 AM shit another restless night oh well I've had worse nights im used to not sleeping often but since the robbery I did a few days ago and the man I fought I can't get it out of my head, sleeping is the one chance I have to stop stressing over it which I don't know why I am but I can't get it out of my head... why didn't I kill him I should have he was weak and laying on the ground but I didn't I left... why did I leave, rubbing my temples I get up I need a shower it helps relax me.


I slam him against the wall, I lung in attempts to put the knife to his neck but he grabbed it before I could how is he even remotely fast enough to do so, as I sit there thinking about it I could feel my grip start to loosen then next thing I know he threw me off of him and now I'm on the ground and he's smashing my hand that's holding the knife on the ground I drop the knife because it began to hurt and as I do so he lets his guard down I take my chance to flip him off of me and walk over grabbing my knife while I give him one last look, he looks... wait what the hell am I thinking stopping myself before the thought could even pop into my head, then I walk past him leaving him there as I continue running down the alleys wanting to get home before the police show up and start looking around.

*End of flashback*

I open my eyes to find the cold water running down my back I turn the shower off looking in the mirror I hated what I looked like that's why I always wore my mask, tracing the scar across my eye from the night my family was killed and I ran out the door and into the woods tripping which resulted in me cutting my eye on what I think was a stick or something sticking out of the ground but ever since I've had a scar to remind me of how weak I was, how scared and pathetic I acted that night I should have saved them I ... I was ... weak, I then punched the mirror in frustration at myself, making it shatter into pieces a small sharp pain shot through my hand I look at it to find shards of glass in my hand, great just what I needed I thought to myself as I walked to the kitchen to clean up my hand and wrap it up to stop the bleeding once it was wrapped up I decided to go work out to keep myself in shape

*Time skip*

It's starting to get dark I smile my mask was under my hoodie but besides that I always loved the night, I walked back inside to change and go out for a walk I normally don't do it but tonight I didn't care I needed to get my mind set back to where I want it to be. I walk into the store in front of my apartment and buy a bottle of rum I always like the warmth that ran through me when I drank it, once paying for it I began to walk the town tonight was more crowded then it was the other night I killed that girl on the beach, the beach I thought to myself hm that seems nice as I start to walk there. I found myself on the peer I sit down on the end of it looking out at the waves coming towards me and then retreating, listening to the sound as I take another big drink.


" Jon why don't you swim" the boy asked looking at me I drop my head and reply " Because I don't really know ... how to swim" before I could even think about it the boy grabbed my arm and drug me to the water no matter how hard I fought him he just pulled me in, he stood behind me holding me so I wouldn't run back " Stop fighting me it's ok I'm going to get you over your fear and teach you to swim, that's what best friends are for".

*End of flashback*

I get cut from my flash back to see two girl sitting in the sand, I look around to make sure no one else is close before throwing my empty bottle in the water making my way off the peer and over to them I need to kill it's been a few days plus I need to get over these stupid flashbacks im having I hated thinking about anything other then the blood from my victims. Now making my way over to the girls they look at me for a second then turn back to each other and whisper something before the shorter blonde turns back to me and says " Hey handsome out here all alone" I'm not handsome im a monster I thought to myself before answering her " Yeah I guess I am, just wanted to go for walk on this nice night" the blonde laughs and walks over to me standing now just inches from me and says " Well there's a killer out and we're all alone, we might need someone to protect us" she then started to play with my jacket strings as much as I didn't want this kind of physical contact I needed a kill and since she's completely clueless and her friend as well this will be an easy two to kill.

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