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Delirious's P.O.V

It's been about 2 weeks since I woke up on my bathroom floor surrounded in blood with a killer headache but I have been resting up I was weak since I had lost so much blood in just two days, I made myself something to eat with what little food I had I haven't gone out because I didn't want to, after it was done I sat back down on my couch and turned the T.V on I wanted to see what all was going on and if they had a description of what I look like seeing what was on the news my chest got heavy and I could felt my heart drop.


" Just when we all thought the killing was over due to the fight at the police station we were all wrong, things look like they're only going to get worse as another body was left with a message saying -watch your back Del <3-".

Delirious's P.O.V

I turned the T.V off holding my chest, he found me... fuck... Fuck... " FUCK!" now standing up in anger trying to figure it out, he couldn't have why didn't he come after me sooner why now I thought I was away from him I thought to myself. I was putting away a few bags of food I had decided to go get after arguing with myself and I only got a little to eat not knowing how long it would be before... He found me fuck this I'm not going to hide from this bastard I'm feeling better and I want to kill again and use their bodies to relieve my stress and anger.

Vanoss's P.O.V

Doing my normal patrol around the city I decided to stop at the bridge where I first met Delirious face to face the only night I felt any peace at all, I jumped at a scream coming from underneath it as I rushed making my way down to see what was going on, once I had hit the bottom I stopped dead in my tracks looking at what was in front of me he's alive I felt a warmth in my chest, he just got done killing a girl but I didn't care I needed to make sure it was real so I walked up slowly and cautiously before I put a hand on him causing him to spin around and grabbed my throat but released me once he looked into my eyes " Why didn't you call me or even text me to let me know you were alive" I yelled at him but he just gave me a worried look before sitting down on the opposite wall from the butchered girl I sighed as I just made my way over and sat next to him.

Just knowing he's alive is enough for me to lean back on the way and relax " Why do you care so much" he broke our silence I just looked at him before answering " I don't really know I just like knowing your out there somewhere alive" it's true I kind of enjoyed our little game of him killing and me trying to find him but him always finding me it was different because he never ... well other than when I hit him first he wouldn't hurt me, he just looked at me before laying back and relaxing now but I was shocked he had actually closed his eyes for once which he never did around me at that moment I was tempted to pull his hockey mask off and see his face but I know that wouldn't end well for us and I don't want to upset him and go without seeing him for however long.

" Why do you kill people?" I asked as his eyes opened and he looked at me without saying a word before he closed his eyes again, he must be tired or comfortable I thought to myself but I really wanted to know more about this guy since we couldn't get much on him and he was the only way I was going to find out, after a little while longer I heard my phone going off I looked over at Delirious and he was staring at me watching me closely as I picked up the phone and answered it.

Vanoss - " Hay Mini" I said scratching the back of my neck.

Mini - " What are you doing your position hasn't moved for a while and judging by you answering your phone your ok but what are you doing?" Shit I forgot about the trackers he has on us I thought to myself mentally slapping my brain.

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