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Vanoss's P.O.V

" Evan it's good to see you" Brock said giving a gentle smile " Thanks again man for everything" Brian said giving my shoulder a pat " Your welcome I don't want to see you dead let alone deal with Brock if you die" I said giving Brock a cheeky smile " I know who would want to look at his face" Brian said and laughed as Brock gave him a pissed off look " Well you're the one who said yes to marrying me" Brock said smiling warmly, I knew he was thinking about the day they got married.

After sitting around talking for a little Brock came back in with plates he loved to cook and he was pretty good at it too, we sat there and ate " So when did you think about going back to work?" I asked Brian because I was still a little worried about him " They said I could go back to work starting next Monday" Brian said " Which I don't think he should do, we never found that guys body which means he could still be alive and there's another new group in town and I wont have you getting shot again" Brock sounded overly protective, " Yeah well like I want to be sitting at home while your out there and have to get a call if you get hurt or worse" Brian said crossing his arms.

Most of the day we talked about what happened that day, I didn't tell them that Delirious was still alive or that I met up with him but hearing about this new group in town only made me worry more for Delirious since he hasn't got ahold of me or answered me in what's close to a month now and if he doesn't get ahold of me in a week when Brian goes back to work I'm going to be looking for him, I looked at the clock it was 6:30 I gave my hugs to the guys and we said bye to each other.

*Time skip*

" When are they going to date im tired of waiting" Luke said looking out at the dance floor, Craig and Tyler were dancing with each other and getting closer each time they break away, the two of them have been getting worse with this ever since one day when Craig came home beaten badly and Tyler took care of him, Tyler has not left his side much but keeping his distance at the same time and not to mention the moments when they would lock eyes and Tyler's face would get red or when they would be messing around and they would get to close to each other and just freeze, it's the same things that Brock and Brian used to do " I don't know man but it's going to be soon I hope because if I have to watch them sneak around their feelings for each other any longer I'm going to kick both their ass's" Luke just let out a little chuckle before handing me another shot.

Wildcat/Tyler's P.O.V

The music is blaring and I know I'm going to have one hell of a hangover in the morning but having Craig this close to me is worth it, I feel weird around him because I always grew up with girlfriends but everything about him sticks in my mind and the way he's moving against me right now is going to be another one.

Craig turns around and without thinking I grab his waist pulling him against me before he could walk away and kiss his neck not even thinking twice about it, he just starts to rub up against me we have been close but never this close and im starting to really like it, he turns around grabbing the collar of my shirt pulling us closer than before and I could feel my face start to heat up, he puts his head on my chest and starts to rub against me provocatively, I place my hands on his waist moving my hands up and down his sides as he moves " Stop dry fucking each other over there and lets go home" Lui's voice made me jump I removed my hands from Craig and pushed him back meeting his eyes and from the look in them he didn't want to stop and neither did I but I could see the guys starting to walk out so I grabbed his hand and we walked out the door then into our cars.

As I got in I knew right there I like Craig and not just as a friend like I thought no I liked him as a boyfriend kind of way and I couldn't get him out of my mind the way his body felt and how close we were to each other, the feel of his soft skin when I kissed his neck, I wanted more... no I wanted all of him and the look in his eyes tonight he wanted me as well but I didn't know how the guys would feel if I acted on those feelings but the more I'm around him the harder it is to fight them.

Vanoss's P.O.V

I didn't want to be home incase things heated up more between Craig and Tyler.

As I'm walking down the street patrolling I feel a hand cover my mouth and a knife to my throat pulling me into the dark alley, I was pushed face first up against the wall the knife now to my back " So you're the little owl running around this town" his voice didn't sound familiar " Well have you caught our hockey masked freak yet or is he still running loose" I tensed up I knew he was part of the new group after Delirious " A-a-at I wouldn't tense up or try anything it would be ashamed if I had to kill you because your going to find him for us" I felt anger all through out me I haven't seen Delirious for close to a month and like hell I'd lead this guy to him, then he removed his hand from my mouth " And what if I don't" I snapped at him, a sharp pain came through my back I felt the knife cut me but not to deep just enough to cause pain " Oh trust me you will" before I could turn around I felt a blunt pain to my head.

I groan opening my eyes seeing stars remembering what happened before I woke up I got scared and tried to sit up but I felt a hand push me back down, I look at the hand and see a familiar blue then turning my head to see those blue eyes looking at me " Where are we" I asked but he stayed silent I turned my head to see we were in an open field by the tree line " How long have I been out" I ask watching him take his hand off my chest " About 3 hours" he sighed and looked away, I tried to sit up again and felt a sting in my back, I huff at the pain but soon feel a soft warm hand tracing where the pain it coming from, I tried to turn and see him but he removed his hand and looked away at the field there's a cloud on his eyes " What's wrong" I ask as I could see him swallow hard " Listen to me Vanoss your going to go home and stay inside tomorrow, whatever you do... do not leave your house" he said sternly, I tried to open my mouth to argue but he put his hand under my mask and over my mouth once he felt me close my lips he removed his hand then put it behind his head and laid next to me.

He closed his eyes and I took my hand feeling my back soon freezing as my fingers touch something rough... wait are these stitches I thought to myself tracing them before looking at him again his eyes still closed, I began to get nervous he helped me and now he wants me to go home and stay there... what is he planning I thought to myself, he opened his eyes and met mine the cloud faded a little and I could feel my face flushed red but I didn't care I had my mask on and he couldn't see me, he got up reaching a hand out for me I took it which I did allowing him to lead me to a car, we both got inside and he turned it on " Do not leave your house" he said sternly before backing out of the field making his way out to the road.

I told him my address not knowing why I did or why I was trusting him so much since I don't know hardly anything about this guy, we pulled in and he put the car in park I looked at his hands which were gripping the steering wheel tightly " Don't get yourself killed" is all I said before I shut the car door and he drove off, opening the door I peaked inside to find all the lights turned out and the house was silent quietly I took my shoes off and walked up to my bedroom once inside I stripped down, walking to my bathroom looking in the mirror I saw that he did stitch my back up and he must have cleaned my back up because there was no blood other then the dried bit on my clothes, I wondered if he saw my face but even if he did I didn't care I was going to end up showing him at some point, I walked out of the bathroom and got some comfier clothes on before laying in bed and passing out, I was far too tired to try and run through my thoughts tonight.

Delirious's P.O.V

I pulled into my small driveway I didn't take my car out often but after I found Evan and brought him home to clean him up I did not want him to wake up in my house and I was definitely not carrying his ass around he was heavy enough to get home so I picked him up and put him in my car then drove to my one favorite spot out of the whole city it was also the first place I saw when I got here I placed him on the ground and sat with him till he awoke.

Ok I sighed as I broke the flashback of it all out of my head I've got a lot to get ready for, I walked into my room and opened my safe counting all my guns and bullets then cleaning them because I'm going to need all of these to be working right, after I was done I walked into my living room getting onto my computer I needed to hack a security system and put the system onto my phone to make it easier to break in, I'm not getting any sleep tonight so I went over the plan trying to think of every way possible that this could go wrong and counter plan for it, the sun started to come up by the time I was all done running through each scenario, " I'm going to make sure this fucker knows where im at".

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