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Vanoss's P.O.V

As I open my eyes I get blinded by a bright light, I try to rub my face but I feel something restraining my hands that's when I remembered what happened yesterday, in a panic of remembering Delirious bleeding I look around and stop on a figure till my eyes adjust to the light allowing me to see Delirious staring at the wall he was so bloody but still had his mask on I wish I could just go and help him.

I lead them to Delirious because they knew he would help me... they knew he would get pissed, they used me to draw him out... I heard a door slam open and I saw the man from yesterday the one who knocked me out smiling as he walked up to Delirious and put a hand on his face but Delirious snapped his head away " Don't fucking touch me" Delirious growled out with a raspy voice " Come on Del I took you off the streets and gave you a home before you decided to run away but I found you and aren't you glad to be home not to mention I fixed all those damn bullet and knife holes so you wouldn't die on me" the man mocked and I saw Delirious tense up " Burn in hell" as soon as he said that the man punched Delirious across the face " I would watch my tone if I was you" the male said in a blank tone of voice " Fuck you and your crew Adam" Delirious coughed out so that's the guys name.

" Now didn't I tell you to watch your mouth!" Adam yelled pulling a knife out and cutting Del across the chest, I wanted to yell but I couldn't " Was that supposed to hurt me" Delirious said as he just sat there and took another cut across the chest but didn't flinch, was he that crazy or was he just that abused before I thought to myself " I'll be back and your forgetting I know how to break you" Adam said as he got up and walked out of the room, I could see Delirious's eyes grow dark.

" Evan" I finally spoke up and his eyes shot to me just looking at me " My names Evan" he just sighed and looked away " You don't have to tell me your name I just wanted you to know mine" I said sighing while he kept looking at the ground with dark eyes and I didn't like that look on him, I put my head down and rubbed my mask agents my chest until I felt it loosen up then I used my shoulder to knock it off, once it hit the ground and made a smack Delirious looked back over at me I saw his eyes grow wide and then calm down after I saw him observing ever feature on my face, it made me blush so I looked away but I knew he was still looking at me " Why are you doing this" I heard him speak up I looked back over to him and met his eyes again " Because I care" I spoke out softly his eyes still locked on mine " Why care for a person you don't know" he asked sounding hurt as he broke our gaze to look at the wall " Well I want to get to know you" I said, he just shook his head " No you don't trust me" he sounded even more broken then before " I'm still going to try" I said waiting for a response but I saw the darkness coming back to his eyes it was like he was deep in thought, I sat there staring at him for a while until I closed my eyes.

*Time skip to next morning*

I awoke at a sting on my face, I look up to see the man who used me... the one who cut me " Fucking touch him again Chilled and I will cut your throat open" Delirious growled out making me shiver slightly before staring back at the male well the name fit he gave me the chills whenever he was close to me, I looked to see Delirious giving Chilled a death stare " Oh like you can do shit your tied up or did you forget that" Chilled walked away from me and grabbed Delirious by the throat " You killed Ze you piece of shit and if Adam didn't want you alive id fucking end you... I LOVED HIM!" Chilled screamed into Delirious's face only to have Del head-butt him, Chilled pulled out a knife and held it to Dels neck " ENOUGH" I heard someone yell and I looked to see Adam walking in the doorway " Leave Chilled you know their both mine" an evil grin came across his face that made my hair stand up this guy was creepy.

" So Del I see your friend here doesn't have a mask on anymore and he looks like your..." Adam said with a smirk on his face the whole time before getting cut off " Shut the fuck up Adam" Delirious yelled before Adam could finish his sentence which I wish he wouldn't have I want to know what he meant by that I'm his what? " Oh sorry I forgot he's a good guy and your just some worthless killer" Adam sang out laughing which set me on edge he was nuts " Adam your lucky I'm tied up or I would kill you right now" Delirious's voice sounded dark " Oh yeah well you should of did that back when I killed your family instead of running like a coward" I saw Delirious's eyes grow darker then I thought they could go and now I know why he has so much hate inside of him he watched his parent die and the man who killed him took him and did who knows what to him, I felt pain in my chest just thinking about how sick and twisted Adam was and how hard Delirious's life must have been.

" Ops looks like I hit a nerve" Adam said dragging a knife alone Delirious's arm cutting it but once he saw Delirious wasn't going to give him a reaction he turned his gaze to me, he walked over to me slowly and I saw Delirious staring him down I couldn't imagine what was going through his head, I felt a pain in my chest as he dug the knife in screaming in pain and see Delirious turn his head away from me and shake it slightly " Ah much better I think I'll start to beat you instead of him I like a good reaction to pain and hockey masked freak over there is used to this by now" Adams voice scared me as if I was face to face with a snake right now " You can make me scream all you want but just know as soon as I'm free I'm going to make you pay for everything you've done" I said spitting in his face he casually whips my spit off " Awe looks like you think your such a hero well tough guy let's see what you got" he jabs the knife into my chest again and then started to slowly cut me.

I yell at the pain I've never had this done to me I've never been tortured and if I make it out alive I never want it to happen again " Adam" I heard the anger in Delirious's voice but Adam just smiled and turned to meet Delirious's gaze " You fucking want me fine but let him go" Del said I felt my body go cold at those words he's giving himself up for me and he's the one who said why care for someone you don't know " No you killed one of my men and I need a replacement you were joining one way or another but your friend here is also joining us" Adam said flipping the knife around, wait what did he just say " You can leave him the fuck alone you want to hurt someone do it to someone who can take the pain" Delirious sounded far beyond pissed off " Well you want me to not hurt him then you will do everything I say" Adam said bluntly, Delirious nodded his head as Adam walked over to him and cut the ropes from Delirious's hands to my surprise Delirious didn't try to kill him.

Adam dropped the knife in Delirious's hands " Now test one your going to stab him" Adam said pointing toward me I felt my heart drop as Delirious gripped the knife and walked towards me, he knelt in front of me I could see the pain in his eyes before I closed mine ready for the pain about to come, I bit my lip to keep from yelling as I felt the knife being pushed into my side, when I heard the door shut I opened my eyes to see a tear in Delirious's eye he placed a hand on my chest and held me still as he pulled the knife out of my side once he had it removed he put pressure on my wound his touch was so gentle even though his eyes were dark " Why didn't you kill him" I asked and he looked up at me " You can't fight him and I'm not strong enough to do it alone" his voice still sounded so hurt, I wanted to comfort him but I was still tied up " Cut my ropes please" I said quietly but he just shook his head no before returning to my wound where he had stabbed me I closed my eyes I felt so drained I then felt his hand start to rub my wounded but not enough to hurt me he was gentle about it and just feeling his bare hand against my skin sent chills through my body and soon I feel asleep.

*Time skip to next morning*

I woke up to Delirious and Adam talking, Delirious looked pasted Adam looking me in the eyes before returning to Adam and nodding, Adam walked out of the room and Delirious leaned against the wall " What did you talk about" my voice was so soft I'm not sure he heard me until he met my gaze " Don't watch what's about to happen" he said sounding as if he was about to throw up " What's going to happen" I asked scared to know but then Adam walked back in the room and threw a young boy to the ground my eyes widen " Go on Del show me what I want to see" Adam said laughing maniacally I still can't get over the feeling that Adam gives me when he speaks, I met Delirious's gaze before he gave me a stern look then picking up the knife and walking up to the boy, I was in shock as I watched the boy beg for him life as Delirious did his work cutting the boy until his body went limp and Delirious stood up looking at the wall his eyes had gone dark again " Well looks like you still have it my boy but I'm not about to let you out just yet I need to make sure you won't shove a knife through my head the second you get the chance" Adam said before cleaning up the mess and walking out the door, I looked at Delirious and I couldn't help but wonder what he was like before they turned him into this.

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