Part 10

36 1 0


*with Vlad*

Liz: *sighs* Val?

Vlad: Yes?


*eyes dull*

Servant: d-don't call me that!

Vlad: *winces* shhhh! quiet down

Servant: hm? What?

Vlad & Vampire: ears

Servant and Liz: *worried look* sorry you ok? Is this a good tone?

Vlad & vampire: *nods*

Servant: m-master?

Vampire: Hmmm?

Servant: um will you.... *blushes* um..... *twiddles thumbs*

Vampire: Well spit it out

Servant: I-I can't I'm sorry for the bother *runs away*

Vampire: Oh and you're going to the ball with me ok?

*in Liz's head*

Liz: wimp -_-

Servant: please be quiet I'm already ashamed

Servant: *blushes* huh? Can you please repeat that?

Vampire: Your going to the dance with me


Vampire: what?

Servant: *laughs*

Servant: you're truly admirable master. I was so scared to ask you and you don't even hesitate

Vampire: *shrugs and smiles*

Servant: but you'll have to share us sadly -_-

Vampire: I very well know that

Servant: you are so patient master *smiles* you're truly perfection

Liz: don't inflate his ego -_-

Vampire: Well you're one to talk Liz your fiancé has a huge one

Liz: *glares* screw you! *flicks his nose*

Vampire: *chuckles* still smells good

Liz: you're just use to my flicks now -_-

Liz: not that they were affective anyway

Liz: *sighs*

Vampire: pick you up at 8?

Liz: that's servants call and she's giggling like a fool so give her a minute -_-

Servant: *comes out* sh please Liz be quiet *blushes* t-that's not true at all

Vampire: oh?

Servant: *nods*

Vampire: then what wasn't true?

Servant: huh? What do you mean?


Servant: *looks down* um I don't quite understand

Vampire: don't understand what?

Servant: master I'm confused

Servant: what do you mean "then what was true?"

Servant: *comes out* sh please Liz be quiet *blushes* t-that's not true at all

Vampire: *smiles* So 8?

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