Part 2

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Meg: No. Not until I can talk to you and make you go back to Mason

Punk: Why should I care what happens to him?

Meg: *gets close enough to grab his hand and stop him* you are him.....your a precious part of Mason

Punk: So what

Meg: Your a precious part of the person who is precious to me *squeezes his hand lightly* your precious to me as well please I beg of you come back


Meg: Please *goes on her knees still holding his hand* please save him, he needs you *lifts head up with tears* I need you!

Meg: The man who made me feel the person who was kind to me though I felt nothing. you remember punk me and little me and my no feeling. I was miserable but you made me happy or at least feel like I wasn't an outcast then. You still talked to me. I wasn't a freak to you. *smiles with tears* thank you for those memories. *wipes tears* I beg you come back

Mason: *barely walking on his own* Please come back.

Meg: Mason! *crawls to him* your sick get back in bed!

Mason: I can hear his thoughts. *looks at him* Don't you care what happens to her?

Punk: Yes that why we need to disappear

Meg: *looks at him* what's do you mean?

Punk: Meg we love you but we keep putting you into these messes not knowing how to get out. I think it's best if we just go away.

Mason: *wide eyed* No it's not!

Meg: *gets up and hugs punk Mason* please don't think that, these situations it's no ones fault mistakes happen it's what makes us human. And I love all the masons. I stay by your sides because I want to be with you guys. It's my own fault but I don't mind cause I'm at the side of the man I love *smiles* that's all I ever wanted

Mason: *falls down coughing*

Meg: Let's go and falls next to Mason with cringe of pain* you ok?

Punk: *looks at her sadly* I'm sorry *runs off*

Mason: G-Grandpa!

Arthur: *runs over* what happened

Mason: *sweating* H-help *continues to cough*

Meg: I can't do anything else. Arthur you have to now

Arthur: *nods and runs after punk Mason*

Pirate: *follows behind* that bloody little punk! He's going to cause more trouble than he thinks he's fixing

Punk: *continues to run*

Arthur: Wait! *runs* you can't run away! This is a problem you have to face it head on! Your my grandson!

Punk: YOUR grandson! The one you left?! It's better if I just leave.

Punk: You wouldn't listen to me when I had a problem to do with my people so why should I listen to yours?!

Arthur: *grabs him* I'll admit I'm not the best. I've made mistakes. And I can't take back those years and I know I'm horrible for it but I always wanted to come back I always wanted to tell you how much I missed all of you. How much you guys meant to me. I'm sorry I was selfish *clenching fist* I-I'm a horrible person I can't take it back no matter how much I want too! But.....I wanted to talk you again

Arthur: This right now is like dream come true. I get to see you at this age the time I missed *smiles*

Punk: *looks at him* G-Grandpa

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