Part 4

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Arthur: Vlad how do we find Francis?

Vlad: I don't know but I'll get to work on it. *poofs out*

Alfred: *runs in with Mattie his hand bleeding*

Arthur : What happened?!

Alfred: N-nothing happened.*sits on his bed*

Arthur: *doesn't look at it then grabs Alfred's hand and raps it*

Alfred: Thanks.

Arthur: No problem now what happened?

Alfred: *looks at Mattie* I fell from flying on my broom.

Arthur: Do you find me to be a moron? I know you're lying.

Mattie: ....*looks at Alfred*

Alfred: *narrows his eyes* Everyone get out.

Everyone: *walks out*

Arthur: When you are ready to tell me truth you no where to find me.*walks out*

Alfred: *looks at his arm and rubs it then sighs*

Mattie: That Arthur guy knew you were lying you're really good at it the only people that would know would be me and people close to you.

Alfred: Yeah...

Mattie: *looks at the door suspiciously* They're very strange.

Alfred: Very much. They act like they've known us for years.

Mattie: They know are fears and weaknesses too. But I trust feels like we have known them for years.

Alfred: Yeah. Francis and Arthur especially.*sighs* We could ask them but they won't tell us anything if we don't

Mattie: Yeah.... Now that I mention it where was that Francis guy? Isn't he always around with Arthur?

Alfred: Yeah.

Mattie: I hate to rumor but those to are very close don't you think? Maybe I'm just imagining it.

Alfred: No I could've sworn I saw them kissing in the hall.

Mattie: Same.

Alfred: Well that cool if they are they seem nice together.

Mattie: Yeah I think so too *chuckles and gets a flash and hold his head* Ow I just had weird vision of younger me and younger Francis.

Alfred: Huh that's-*flash back* Woah. *rubs his head

Mattie: You too?

Alfred: I just saw all four of us in a field. You and I were really little. Arthur and Francis we're playing tag with us

Mattie: That's so weird l-lets think about this tomorrow it's late. *goes to his bed* Night Alfred.

Alfred: Night Mattie.

*the next day*

Meg: Arthur at least tell me you went to sleep.

Arthur: Y-Yeah.

Meg: Lair -_- .

Arthur: *sighs* Sorry I'm just worried about Francis.

Mason: You need sleep. If you don't how will you have the energy to find Grandpapa.

Arthur: I know but.....*looks away*

Meg: *pats his back* Arthur well look again tonight I'm sure we'll find him.

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