Part 24

23 1 0

Madeline: Sounds fun.

Mattie: *nods* I agree

Francis: And I guess we could exchange stories.

Arthur: yeah sounds interesting

Alice: sure

Francine:*nods* Ok.

Alfred: Well come on let's go!*gets up and wobbles*

Madeline: Heh looks like we're a little ahead.

Mattie: *smiles and gets up and wobbles* I guess so

Amelia: here *puts his arm around her and helps him walk* you can lean on me *smiles*

Madeline:*does the same* Don't worry you'll be fine in a few minutes. *smiles gently*

Amelia; yeah you just need to adjust

Alfred: Thanks.*smiles* So how long have you guys been out of bed?

Amelia: hmmmmmm an hour or 2 not to long

Alfred: Oh cool a lot can happen in two hours.

Francis:*chuckles* They are so adorable.*smiles*

Francine: Agreed.

Alice and Arthur: *smiles at them*

Alfred:*stands on his own* So do you have that weird thing with pain too?

Amelia: yup

Alfred: So... If I pinch you... Oh is it ok if I do?

Amelia: go ahead *holds out her arm*

Alfred:*pinches her*

Amelia: *unfazed* nothing

Alfred: *sighs* Yep it can get annoying. What about when you switched magic with your sister?

Amelia; I could feel everything and was constantly bumped into and I couldn't run

Alfred: I know right!

Madeline:*sighs but smiles at the two of them*

Mattie: there so *chuckles* silly


*In town*

Mattie: *holds out his hand* so you don't get lost in the crowd. Do wanna hold my hand?

Madeline:*blushes* O-Ok.*takes it*

Francis: Amelia please listen to Alice just at least put on a jacket it's chilly.


Amelia; no I'm not cold

Alice: come now you must be a little bit

Amelia: nope *hands behind her head*

Madeline:*sighs* Be right back.*goes and puts a jacket on Amelia* I know you may not feel the pain of cold but please just keep warm. *goes back to Mattie*

Alfred:*shrugs and keeps walking*

Amelia: *sighs*

Mattie: Alfred you should to *puts his jacket on him* you'll get sick and not even realize it please keep it on

Alfred: *sighs* Fine.

Madeline: She worries me sometimes.

Mattie; I understand the feeling *hold her hand again and blushes and smiles at them* but there ok for now

Madeline:*blushes* Y-Yeah

Amelia: *looks over at restaurant with a longing look*

Alfred:*pulls her in* Come on! This place is always free for us. *smiles* Because of the "Boys who lived" thing.

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