Part 13

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*with Vlad*

Vlad: *asleep*

Vlad: *in his sleep* food

*Liz walks in*

Liz: *sits next him and pats his head*

Vlad: *wakes up* *notices Liz* oh sorry anyway how did you like the idea?

Vlad: *smiles*

Liz: *hugs him* it's a wonderful idea Val

Vlad: *hugs back*

Liz: thank you

Vampire: *in his head* bite her neck come on bite

Liz: you really did stop me from doing something I would've regretted and after everything servant gave up for me. I'm glad you stopped me Val

Vlad: You two deserve each other

Liz: *smiles and let's go* thanks

Liz: I hope you find someone soon too and if you need help with them just ask

Vlad: *smiles and his stomach grumbles*

Liz: oh do want me to make you something?

Vlad: Yes.. no.. I don't know

Liz: you ok?

Vlad: Yeah just tired and tomorrow's halloween

Liz: true all day tomorrow servant is taking over I almost forgot

Vlad: The irony that it's christmas too

Liz: *laughs* seriously

Vampire: And I get a christmas feast

Vlad: *wakes up* sorry

Liz: *shakes head and smiles* it's ok I'm prepared

Vampire: *in his head* come get the food. food. drink her blood

Vlad: *rolls his eyes but his stomach growls*

Liz: I'll get you some carrot soup and tomorrow you can eat

Vlad: *makes a face* sounds good

Jackie: That is the weirdest answer ever XD. Hi Vlad *hears Elisa* Bye Vlad *flies off*

Vlad: *chuckles* that Jackie?

Liz: *nods and walks out*

*with Lucas*

Lucas: *reading*


Emil: *drawing*

Jackie: Hi

Emil: I'm out. Good luck Lucas

Lucas: ugh what Jackie?

Jackie: *pouts* sourpuss. Anyway I go to school here

Jackie: What are you doing here are you a teacher?

Jackie: Doesn't matter just hide me

Jackie: *hides behind Lucas*

Emil: *draws a wall at the door* You really need to stop messing with her

Lucas: seriously

Jackie: I swear she has dragon eyes made of ballet shoes

Jackie: *flies up to a shelf and sits on it* Yuck

Jackie: But thanks

Jackie: So what you reading?

Jackie: *sees the cover and smiles* A Christmas Carol

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