Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 - Escape

Daniel dashed into his room, his eyes darting around, searching for the things he needed. He whirled around his room, tossing his phone, wallet, portable charger, a change of clothes and some food in his backpack before charging out again. Screams were ringing in his ears as he fumbled to unlock the front door as quietly as he could. In his frenzy, however, he banged his elbow against the doorknob and froze.

"Daniel? Is that you? What do you think you're doing?!"

Daniel's father stormed out of the kitchen, holding a bamboo cane in front of him and waved it threateningly in Daniel's face.

"Thinking of sneaking out, hmm?"

Daniel cowered in fear. He was trapped. There was no way he could open the front door and run out before his father reached him. And if the cane found him, he would feel its full force, for he was wearing only shorts and a T-shirt.

"Open your bl*ody mouth and answer me!" Daniel's father screamed.

Daniel could only numbly shake his head. Then there was a FWOOOSH and pain erupted. Daniel tried not to wince. His father hated any show of emotion. To him, emotions were a weakness.

There was a loud crash from the kitchen and Daniel's father turned back into the kitchen. Daniel, sensing a chance, leapt up, wrenched open the door and dived out in one fluid movement. He rolled over once and sprang to his feet, tensed. He heard a bellow of rage and that shook him out of his stupor. The last thing he needed was to have his father yell at him while his neighbours were in earshot. Sure, the doors were closed, but Daniel knew all of them were pressing their ears to their front doors, eager to listen in on the regular fights he had with his father. But today was different. His father had been out drinking, so it didn't take long for him to go thermonuclear.  And there had been something else too. A letter his father had received earlier...

There was another roar of rage from the house. Daniel turned, beginning to run into the dark, rainy night, footsteps pounding the slick pavement.

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