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Hi guys,

Recently I've noticed that the number of reads for my story has been almost stagnant. I'd like some feedback from you so I can improve my story. Is it too boring? Too unrelatable? Unrealistic?

This is the first time I've tried writing stories in a different genre. I usually write action-packed police/spy stories (check out "Race Against Time: Hostage Rescue"!), not stories exploring life issues such as family relationships and friendships.

However, I do try to make it adventurous. From the beginning, protagonist Daniel runs away from home due to his father's abuse. He camps out under a bridge, then later rescues the school bully from drowning.

Many people might think that the idea of running away from home is completely unrelatable because none of us have actually tried it before. But the idea isn't completely unrelatable simply because we have thought of it before. We might have even planned it in our own fantasy worlds after an overly harsh scolding from our parents.

Now, I've a confession to make. Certain parts of this story were based on the experiences I went through, though somewhat exaggerated. Some of the characters are based on people I know in real life.

Well, enough said. Got to get back to the final draft of Chapter 10. And that mountain of unfinished homework on my table...



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