Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 - Nothingness

The scene changed.

Daniel was rudely awoken by the sound of his bedroom door being flung open, and blinked as the light was flicked on.

"Get up!" The fury in his father's voice shook him awake fully. Daniel stumbled out of bed. His sister Rebecca was already beside his father.

"Go to the living room, both of you. Move it!" Their father turned and stormed back into the master bedroom.

Daniel and Rebecca exchanged looks of fear and did what they were instructed to. Their father emerged from the master bedroom holding something long and thin in his hand. The cane.

"Your teacher called me today. She said you failed your Science test. And the week before, your Maths test. What have you got to say?" Daniel's father waved the cane threateningly under Daniel's nose.

Daniel tried to recall the previous week's happenings. "I was sick last week, remember? I missed four days of school. I missed out on her lessons, that's why."

Daniel heard the cane slicing through the air and land across his thigh. He yelped in pain. His father took a step forward. Daniel took a step backward.

"That's no excuse, boy! So what if you were sick? Can't you study while in bed? Or you could have asked your friends to help you take notes! Bloody fool of a son!"

Daniel decided not to tell his father that he didn't have any friends in his class. All thirty-nine of his classmates thought his was a weirdo, a loner, whatever. Some thought he was an extremely disobedient boy, judging based on the numerous cane marks on his legs and arms. Everyone of them shunned him.

"And you," he bellowed, turning to face Rebecca. "Where did you get that fancy pencil case from that you gave to your friend as a birthday present?"

Rebecca looked as if she was about to melt under her father's burning gaze. She stammered, "I bought it."

Her father gave a snort. "And where did you get the money?"

Daniel spoke up. "From me."

His father glared at Daniel. "And where did you get the money? You stole it, didn't you? I recently lost a ten dollar note! It must have been you!"

"I didn't."

"Lying son of a bitch!"

The cane rained down on brother and sister. Rebecca's scream sent guilt rushing through Daniel and he threw himself in front of his sister in a bid to shield her. This seemed to infuriate his father even more and the strokes came down harder and faster. He dealt kicks in between the beatings. Daniel cried out, begging his father to stop.

When he did pause, breathing heavily, he opened the front door and pushed both children out, making sure they landed heavily on the concrete floor of the corridor. "You'll stay there till morning. Have a nice night!"

Daniel and Rebecca waited until the door slammed shut before attempting to get up. Neighbours had been peeking out of doors and windows, due to the loud shouts, but now they withdrew their heads back into their houses, leaving the corridor mercifully quiet and empty.

Daniel could hardly bear the pain any longer. His whole body was on fire and he felt dizzy. Cold sweat trickled down his face. He gasped as another wave of pain washed over him. His trembling legs wouldn't support him anymore.  He put up his hand to support himself against the wall, but his sweaty palm slid off. His knees buckled and he felt himself falling... falling into nothingness.

Daniel was unconscious before he hit the ground.

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