Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 - Pizza Delivery

"Daniel... Daniel... Are you okay?" Edward snapped his fingers in front of Daniel's face.

Daniel struggled to free himself of the horrible memories. He didn't want to remember, but he couldn't stop himself.

There was a tear trickling down his cheek, but Daniel barely noticed it. His trip down memory lane made him feel even more overwhelmed. He was only thirteen years old. Was he going to live the rest of his life on the run, hiding out from his father and never seeing his sister again?

Edward didn't know and understand what was going on in Daniel's mind, but he knew whatever it was, it wasn't doing Daniel any good. He raised his hand.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures," he mumbled to himself. With that, he gave Daniel a tight slap.

Daniel jerked backwards into the sofa, clutching his cheek. He opened his mouth, and Edward braced himself for a swear word or two, but all he said was, "Thanks."

Edward took a closer look at Daniel. "Hey, where's the scar at the side of your head from?"

Daniel subconsciously touched it with his fingers. It was located on his right temple. It was a inch long scar, almost perfectly straight, as if drawn with the help of a ruler. He had never known how he had gotten it and why. "I don't know. I never did."

The doorbell rang twice just then. Daniel looked out of the window and saw a man with the Domino's Pizza logo stitched on his shirt and cap. He was carrying a bag in his hand with the same logo.

Edward did not get up from his seat to open the door.

"Edward, why are you still sitting down? The delivery man is outside!"

Edward turned to face Daniel. "I didn't call Domino's Pizza. I called for Pizza Hut!"

Both boys had fear etched into their faces as realization struck them.

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